9 September 2013

Monday Parking Parking Monday Monday Thing

| Barcham
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It’s time to reward last weeks top parkers, and in doing so make everything rainbows and happiness with positive reinforcement.

That’s a lie, it’s actually time to laugh at those who cannot or will not park properly, as is our tradition.

Send in your bad parking photos to images@the-riotact.com, be sure to include the word “parking” in your subject line and let us know what name you would like to be credited with.

1. Toby starts us off this week:

London Circuit, Friday afternoon. The Black Hyundai was there before I parked the Blue VW.

Park 1

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2. Pork Hunt does a quick check on Q to see if they’ve gotten their parking game together, they have not:

Snapped this at Queanbeyan Maccas.


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3. CLJ doesn’t understand that this continues to be funny:

Hi Riotact.. guess I missed the deadline for this to be funny 🙁 ah well. Tis a nitpicky one anyway.


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4. Lauren investigates:

This was taken at approximately five thirty pm, at the rear car park of Kaleen Village. FTR I couldn’t see a disabled parking label in the car.


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5. Ryan can’t help but admire the creativity:

Hard to see in phone photo but this car is half way up the bike path between kings swim school and Adelaide ave at the deakin ovals. not a road within atleast 200m. A nice creative use of footpaths to close the 200m gap to the carparking.


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6. Ben_Dover took this cheap shot:

Get it? HA!

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7. Lou from Gordon seems remarkably happy about this whole situation:

Good morning Riot ACT!

For Parking Monday:

‘Car 1’ – this person appears to work from home sometimes. How hard would it be for him/her to ask his/her clients and other visitors to park in the driveway rather than the footpath?

Car 1

‘Car 2’ – yes, there is a driveway.

Car 2

‘Car 3’ & ‘Car 4’ – further up the same road. Cars are regularly parked here. I’m not sure who they are visiting but, as you will see, all the driveways in the nearby houses are empty or have enough room for one more car.

Some months ago the ACT Govt delivered a one page letter to houses in the area (I was not the instigator of the complaint that presumably led to the letter drop) advising people about parking on footpaths etc. Obviously, I’m not the only local resident that gets ticked by footpaths being blocked so often. And, equally as obviously, the letter drop had no impact whatsoever!

Car 3 Car 4

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8. Brydie investigates the seats of higher learning:

Just my little contribution for parking. This was taken in the university of Canberra car park. crooked but within the lines!


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9. David does his homework:

This Bumblebee wannabe has been practically begging to be contributed here for weeks. He parks anywhere he likes in the street, like this regular spot for him, in a no stopping zone (sign is next to the van in the third picture) and partly over a driveway. If he gets a proper spot, he stays there all day when most spots are 30 min max. I was going to write that parking inspectors are making a fortune from him, but I am assuming that he doesn’t pay because a search of the rego indicates the car is unregistered, despite an expiry date of next month.

Bumblebee Wannabe Honey bee?

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10. Loxmyf revisits a reliable source:

Once again Jamison provides. I’m not sure who was there first, but they make a bad pair.

J1 J2

Points for reversing in. Points off for choosing this non-parking bay.


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11. Tigs explains what’s what:

No standing, except for Jeeps. In Purdue St Belconnen on Saturday.


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12. Andrew spotted some creative parks:

Red Angled

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13. Em5500 is a parking photo hunting machine:

Construction workers on the new Sorell Apartments in Lyons ran out of parking spots.

Images of things

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14. Glenn was hiding from a raiding party before spotting this:

Spotted in the carpark of vikings tuggeranong.


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15. Sheep Groper has been busy:

Didn’t have much time to stalk the lazy this weekend but the chemist was fruitful.

More again

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16. The Alexa collection has arrived:

We got busted taking a picture of this one. The driver had a giggle with us and conceded it wasn’t his best parking effort.

Alex1 Alex2 Alex3 Alex4 Alex5

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17. Trent snapped us this:

Red right car

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18. MR finds more at UC:

Some parking pics from UC.

People using the disabled spots behind Bldg 7 regularly have these added parking obstacles. And the car next to the pop up barrier – there is another barrier the other side too.

U to the C

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Keiran found us a video that shows Russia has its own parking problems.

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Mike Bessenger3:32 pm 11 Sep 13

Solidarity said :

I find it amusing that plate number 1 isn’t registered to something exotic and expensive… it’s registered to a postie bike.

There is two number 1 plates, the car version is on a Mercedes 210 which back in the day was probably considered exotic.

I find it amusing that plate number 1 isn’t registered to something exotic and expensive… it’s registered to a postie bike.

beardedclam said :

NellyBean said :

beardedclam said :

#9 – how do you search the rego?

The rego.act website.

why would you search the rego?

In case you’re like me and can never remember when it expires? handly I just realised mine does next month.

Re: the new format – could we maybe have more than one per page? So much clicking is annoying.

And the winner this week is…#9 for driving such an massive douchemobile. Congratulations to David.

And for having an unregistered car. I thought the days of unregistered cars were over after the introduction of automatic number plate recognition?

IrishPete said :

err, that’ll be 10, not 9. This new format is confusing me.


I can’t cope with the new format at all. My Spotto days are behind me!

err, that’ll be 10, not 9. This new format is confusing me.


#5 that’s where we all park when playing cricket at Deakin. You get there by leaving the road near the Brunei Embassy and driving over the grass. Simple.

beardedclam said :

NellyBean said :

beardedclam said :

#9 – how do you search the rego?

The rego.act website.

why would you search the rego?


NellyBean said :

beardedclam said :

#9 – how do you search the rego?

The rego.act website.

why would you search the rego?

beardedclam said :

#9 – how do you search the rego?

The rego.act website.

beardedclam said :

#9 – how do you search the rego?


#9 – how do you search the rego?

Holden Caulfield12:04 pm 09 Sep 13

Great effort everyone and thanks for the video at the end as well!

#9 spotto

#12 if that is the guy getting out, maybe he needs the space to use the walking frame ?

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