This morning the Canberra Times had a story so reeking of the pungent stench of BS that it didn’t seem to even warrant a reply:
The construction of the first stage of the Capital Metro light rail network will require all of the road surface on Northbourne Avenue to be dug up and replaced.
The project would also require the installation of new electricity substations every 2 kilometres along the 12-kilometre route from Civic to Hibberson Street in Gungahlin.
Sadly for Shane Rattenbury he feels the need to respond:
Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Shane Rattenbury, has confirmed that the Capital Metro light rail project will not “require all of the road surface on Northbourne Avenue to be dug up and replaced”.
“Today’s media commentary on light rail and Northbourne Avenue referred to a transport options study from over a year ago. The project update released by the Government in September last year presented a revised proposal that did not require the complete digging up of Northbourne Avenue,” said Mr Rattenbury.
“The revised proposal changed the design, reduced the costs and retained the existing road and verge widths. The median alignment will minimise traffic disruption.
UPDATE: Meanwhile Alistair Coe is concerned about the lack of detail surrounding the wild election promise:
“The Government claims to have based its decision to construct light rail on a Concept Report produced last year.
“However, the Concept Report is very light on details and by no means comprehensive enough to justify spending ‘$700 – $860 million’ on light rail.
“The Government is treating the Concept Report as a ‘tick of approval’ for light rail.
“However, even the report’s assessment of light rail is ‘…there is no benefit or harm.’ (URS Australia, page 30)
“If the Government has based their decision to build light rail on this report, then taxpayers should be very concerned.
“The Government should release the scope of the report given to the authors and any other documents used to influence their decision to spend so much money on light rail,” concluded Mr Coe.