Quite a lot of our readers have come home to this nasty flyer and sent it in to us.
A few points:
- 1. We had the news a mosque was going in there back in January 2011. It hasn’t exactly been done in any secrecy at all. My only surprise is that it hasn’t been finished yet.
2. No one belly aches about social impact, traffic, public interest (how is that any different from social impact? And what do either of them mean other than “I am a bigot and hate muslims”?), or scale and height when a church is being built. Have you heard those bells on Sunday morning when Real Australians are nursing a hangover? And yet not one word of complaint.
3. “Concerned Citizens of Canberra”? We’re really that close to “Koncerned Kitizens of Kanberra”?
Oh and they’re having a secret meeting on Sunday that they only want you at if you agree with them.
We have far more to fear from these ratbags than any number of devout muslims in our society.
Feel free to share your feelings with concernedcitizensofcanberra@gmail.com and let us know what you told them.
Here’s the viewscape they’re so worried about: