In a nerve wracking venture out of our comfort zone we’re kicking off an interview series called “10 minutes with… ”
The pilot for these was shot on Tuesday with Laurence Kain and we talked about his adventures with rock climbing, Honkytonks, and the Foreshore Festival.
Many thanks to King O’Malleys for the use of their room and contentgroup for taking care of the video production.
If you know of someone you’d like to see interviewed in this format (or maybe I should be talking to you) let us know. We shoot ten minutes we use ten minutes, easy in easy out.
(And before anyone starts:
— Yes I know I need to dial back the sleep function on phone so as to avoid fiddling with the thing when using it as a timer.
— Indeed, this is a bit of an unwelcome exploration of my freakishly shaped head.
— I’m more aware than anyone of the failings of my interview technique
That said I think it’s come out as a worthwhile exercise)