An artist’s impression of the proposed functions building looking from O’Hanlon Place. Images: Judd Studio.
A 550-seat function centre and hotel proposed for historic Gold Creek in Gungahlin has been knocked back on heritage grounds, among other issues raised by the ACT Planning Authority.
The $13 million project was proposed by Canberra Business and Technology College CEO Rakesh Bhutani to meet the demand for a sizable venue for big community celebrations.
The plans for the two-storey centre, developed by Judd Studio architects and town planners SPACELAB Studio, included an in-house kitchen, a connected 60-room wing to provide guest accommodation, an underground car park and landscaping.
The current shops and small tenancies would make way and additions stripped back to reveal the heritage-listed former Roman Catholic church.
The plans show the church and a proposed pavilion with bench seating and two reflection pools separated from the main functions building.
The DA said the work would allow the church building to be seen and celebrated again.
However, the Notice of Decision said the proposal was not supported by the ACT Heritage Council, even after an amendment that sought to resolve issues was lodged.
The council said that as is, the proposal would diminish the heritage significance of the Ginninderra Village Precinct, listing the extent of proposed demolition, the amount of surface parking, and a lack of sufficient soft landscaping.
It said demolition of the original significant fabric could be minimised and still achieve a functional space, and a better landscape setting was needed for the former church building.
Surface parking and the related driveway to the south and west of the church building also needed to be reduced.

The heritage-listed church and the proposed pavilion.
The Notice of Decision also identified a parking shortfall of 77 spaces, and heritage requirements would exacerbate this. The proposal also relied on spaces on nearby properties.
It said the proposal did not comply with a minimum 6-metre setback from all boundaries, including being only 1.2 metres from O’Hanlon Place at the front.
The proposed removal of regulated trees also counted against the proposal.
“The proposal is not considered to be compatible with the environmental values for the locality, particularly the proposed tree removals and extent of landscaping having regard to the heritage significance of the Ginninderra Village Precinct,” the Notice of Decision said.
The amendment included retaining two verge trees on O’Hanlon Place, revising surface car parking and extending the basement car park, increasing the front setback, reducing the building height and cutting the hotel rooms to 57.
Mr Bhutani told Region last November that there was no venue in Canberra at present that could cater for big events.
As an example, he said an Indian wedding would have a minimum of 500 guests, but organisers were having to select a venue and then limit the number of people that could be invited.
“I’ve been living in Canberra for 12 years, and in that time, I haven’t seen any community centre come up to assist us – the Indian community or any community,” Mr Bhutani said.
“There are not enough places for celebrations here for any community.”
Mr Bhutani said that a Reconsideration application dealing with the issues raised would be lodged.
Representations included the proposal being inconsistent with the tourist precinct purpose of Ginninderra Village and cited heritage values, traffic and parking, density and scale and pedestrian safety.