8 May 2013

Jeremy Hanson is concerned you don't know what the ACT Memorial is

| Barcham
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ACT Memorial

ACT Opposition Leader Jeremy Hanson is proposing that some “enhancements” be made to the ACT Memorial in the hopes that people will start recognising it as an actual “memorial” and not “that fancy glowing ball thing”.

This is probably a good call, as I honestly had no idea what that thing was before today. Nor did the Canberra Times or UN Women Australia who got into a little bit of trouble for sitting on the thing a few years back during a photo shoot.

“Unfortunately most Canberrans are unaware of the ACT Memorial, its significance, or of the website containing the database of names,” Mr Hanson said.

“It is important for all Australians to have a special place of national remembrance to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and the nation’s capital should be no different.

“One of the things we would like to see is the names of those Canberrans who are on the Australian War Memorial Honour Roll and Commemorative Roll inscribed on an ACT Honour Roll at the site of the ACT Memorial.

“An ACT Honour Roll would serve as recognition for the Canberrans who have served Australia on Defence operations overseas, and have fallen during their service. It would also come at an appropriate time as we are leading up to the Centenary of Anzac Commemorations.

“The memorial should be a place of significance not only for all residents of the ACT but also for the families of the people from this town that have served their country, and particularly those who are no longer with us,” Mr Hanson concluded.

Seemingly to demonstrate Hanson’s point about nobody knowing what that thing is I managed to waste a decent chunk of my morning taking a photo of the wrong war memorial when Johnboy sent me a message asking me if I could go grab a photo to accompany our story about the ACT War Memorial.

So here’s my photo, just so I don’t feel like I completely wasted the morning:


UPDATE: I went on my lunchbreak and got a proper photo! Well done me.

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Barcham, you have made the riot-act (and therefore my morning/random breaks) at least 150% shinier and more enjoyable. They should award you with something!

HiddenDragon10:43 am 09 May 13

The Memorial fits in quite nicely to what is one of the more attractive parts of Civic (even without the enhancement of a LBD).

poptop said :

Perhaps RiotACT can dispense with words (that few people seem to read anyhow) and dispense the news in a pictorial format.

“History will be kind to us because we will draw it”

. . . preferably with hotties in LBDs sitting on each newsworthy item.

I’d rather any stories relating to Kambah Pool are excluded from using a new format such as that.

Perhaps RiotACT can dispense with words (that few people seem to read anyhow) and dispense the news in a pictorial format.

“History will be kind to us because we will draw it”

. . . preferably with hotties in LBDs sitting on each newsworthy item.

devils_advocate said :

johnboy said :

Read the furnished materials is valid.

Don’t support the retrospective removal of the original photo, on the grounds of general awesomeness, and that many of the responses (e.g mine) are now nonsensical and the thread is confusing.

I mean, no disrespect to Barcham’s photography skills, but the new photo lacks a certain something.

Yes, it lacks a blonde hottie in an LBD (again, to ensure acronym consistency, this means Little Black Dress) sitting on a big white ball.

Perhaps a reshoot could be done with someone perched atop the Belco “owl”

If anyone wants to do a perspective shot with the owl we’d love to see it

Maybe it defeats the purpose of a memorial to recognise something is nobody recognises the memorial as such.

devils_advocate3:30 pm 08 May 13

poetix said :

I’m sure she would find your elegant employment of a virgule quite irresistible.

Most do.

devils_advocate3:28 pm 08 May 13

johnboy said :

Read the furnished materials is valid.

Don’t support the retrospective removal of the original photo, on the grounds of general awesomeness, and that many of the responses (e.g mine) are now nonsensical and the thread is confusing.

I mean, no disrespect to Barcham’s photography skills, but the new photo lacks a certain something.


Don’t stress, RTFM was used completely out of context. Personally I would have gone with “lurk moar”.

Here’s the link you need:

Read the furnished materials is valid.

I took a picture of the real thing!

Not to go off topic too much, but who is the hottie sitting on the big ball?


The circle is complete

Can we maybe make a new one? I kind of like that ball thing in Civic, it’s gonna be a total bummer once it gets engraved with the names of all our war-dead. It would make more sense to build a new one that’s respectful and actually serves as a memorial, rather than just appearing to be an interesting piece of public art.

The glass glowing ball thing kept getting broken and the glass has been replaced with something more substantial – rock by the quick glance I had the other day.

*Sigh* that’s why I tasked Barcham with taking a photo.

devils_advocate said :

I totally support the enhancement in the little black dress.


I’m sure she would find your elegant employment of a virgule quite irresistible.

And Bracham’s humour is unusually subtle today.

thebrownstreak6912:22 pm 08 May 13

devils_advocate said :

I totally support the enhancement in the little black dress.


Smily is good!

devils_advocate11:58 am 08 May 13

I totally support the enhancement in the little black dress.


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