ACTION buses have been given an award recognising the work they do to help the visually impaired catch buses. The Vision Australia Making a Difference Award rewards efforts made to improve accessibility of services to visually impaired people, which is something ACTION seems to do well.
“We’re pleased to see ACTION’s accessibility services recognised through the Making a Difference Award,” James Roncon, Director of ACTION said.
“In 2012, there were 39,681 boardings by vision impaired riders. This number highlights the importance of ACTION to continually invest in ways to make catching the bus easier.
“We’re in the process of producing bus hailing kits for vision impaired riders. The kits consist of a pocket sized set of numbered cards that are printed with large text and Braille numbers to help signal the bus route they wish to board.
“A customer waiting at the bus stop will hold the relevant bus number at shoulder height to signal to the driver which route they need to take. This is particularly useful in key corridors where multiple routes pass a particular stop.
Fortunately the award is not about whether said services run on time or ACTION may have had a harder time winning it.