My 1.5 yo daughter is changing day care so she is next to my office in the city.
Having undertaken an uncomfortable test run with her on the bus (lots to carry, including child who doesn’t want to sit still), working out that it takes 45mins to get from home to work if traffic is good, and then realising that my current transport costs at the moment tally up to over $10 per day, I’m reconsidering my transport options (*).
Should I bite the bullet and park in the city for $9 a day? But do they fill up very early? And goodness, the idea of clunking so much change around with me 4 days per week is painful (and alas prepaid parking only returns savings for full timers – I’d have to pay more for the convenience of not needing a wallet weighed down with change).
It would be great if the ACT Government had parking options for part time mums! Advice?
*Currently: I drive my child to day care (suburban Weston Creek), then drive to Woden, use my husbands staff car park ($5 per day), then bus to city ($2.65 each way with MyWay).