The Roar is having a look the the star players Canberra has been unable to hold on to.
To set the record straight, I’m not a Canberran and have never lived there.
I have visited our nation’s capital a number of times and I have no problem with it – in fact I quite like it. I could see myself living there in the future and enjoying it.
However it tends to get a bad rap from a lot of friends and colleagues of mine who either live there or have lived there, for a number of reasons.
“Too small”. “Too cold”. “Too far from the beach”. “Isolated”. “Average nightlife scene”. “Not enough entertainment options”. “Expensive place to live”. “Not much corporate opportunity”. “No other sport on”.
I’m just postulating here, but these might be big issues for young, fit, professional rugby league players between the ages of 18 and 24 who might well want to live in a place where these issues don’t exist.