Just a quick announcement that as part of launching Zierholz in its first Belconnen venue at the Canberra Labor Club on Chandler Street I’ll be doing a meet and greet the brewer promo tomorrow (Thursday 26th March) between 17:30 and 18:30 so why not come along and try some of Canberra’s finest?
By the by we’ve had a number of new venues come on board recently (see http://www.zierholz.com.au/) so if you enjoy the beer you may be pleasantly surprised to find it nearer and nearer to home.
Other new developments are the likelyhood of a bottling plant being installed in the coming months (negotiations are ongoing, fingers crossed) and that we’ll be putting the first batch of Gundaroo Cider Company’s cider on tap at our restaurant very soon.
Look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow.
Cheers and beers.