Andrew Barr has announced the start of high density development in Campbell:
Work is about to start on a new mixed-used development on a 6.4 hectare site on the corner of Constitution Avenue and Anzac Park in Campbell.
The site will be include medium- and high-density development in five parcels, and will include an opportunity for a hotel as well as commercial and retail uses. It will have about 520 residential units in what will become a distinctive, high quality urban precinct, with ground floor frontages for shops and cafes along Constitution Avenue.
The master plan for the site required a National Capital Plan amendment, and extensive community consultation was undertaken to ensure the estate design acknowledged the intent of the early Griffin Plan and the subsequent Griffin Legacy.
Building heights along Constitution Avenue will be 25 metres, scaling down to 19 and 10 metres approaching Page and Chown Streets.
The development also includes a new public park featuring grassed terraces, a range of children’s play spaces, exercise equipment, an open area for ball games, and a central swale incorporating ‘water sensitive urban design’, which will capture, treat and reuse water from the suburb’s stormwater network.
The site contains sections of golden sun moth habitat and natural temperate grasslands, and the Commonwealth has accepted the ACT Government’s offset strategy for the impacts of the development.