To his already pale complexion Simon Corbell now appears to be trying to add a green tinge. (We can only hope no-one mistakes him for a zombie and takes a shovel to his head)
The ABC reports that he’s announced a target of zero net carbon emissions for the ACT.
Before anyone gets excited by this courageous vision note two things:
- 1) There is no timetable for meeting the target
2) There is no budget for meeting this target
So it’s rather more “aspirational” in nature than anything concrete. A bit like hoping to exercise more or drink less booze without ever really doing anything about it.
Instead it’s another thing to be thrown on the table when policy is discussed in rooms adjoining the corridors of power. (Because they do such a good job within the existing parameters?)
UPDATED: For the brave few who are genuinely interested Simon’s media release has made its way online.