On Friday night I was riding with Rat Patrol and we’d come to rest outside The Front in Lyneham. (Some beers may have been drunk, and possibly some tequila, but I’m sure no-one was over the limit because that would be bad.)
There was a rocking crowd enjoying the bands into which the freak bikes and their riders slipped in and an astonishing tangle of twisted, cut, and welded metal (our bikes) was piled up against the tree.
At some point I noticed a cute young lady checking out the bikes so I went over and asked if I could help.
As it happened I could. She worked at The Front and needed to borrow a bike lock for the night (presumably for the locking up of a bike). In a generous mood I handed over my lock and its key and arranged to collect them from her the next day when she was also working.
For some mysterious reason the day after the ride I was weirdly sensitive to bright light and loud noise, not to mention nauseous. In fact it was heading into the evening when I even remembered I’d lent my lock to a complete stranger the night before.
A message to The Front’s Paul Jamieson confirmed that, in fact, there was a lock awaiting collection behind the bar and I picked it up last night, somewhat surprised by the attached note.
(Sadly despite being written on a pink heart the note contains no email or phone number).
Now at around $30 the lock isn’t the kind of money you can do something serious with (like buy a book), but I just wanted to note how much I like living in a community where you can lend something to help out a complete stranger and get it back. Doubly so with pink heart shaped notes attached, even if it turns out that was just what was handy.