28 May 2014

Amnesty International Quiz

| Canfan
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Amnesty International continues to ask the tough questions and – for the 24th year running – it will be seeking answers from Canberrans at its quiz night on Friday, 13 June at the Hellenic Club.

One of Canberra’s oldest quiz nights, the Amnesty International quiz night has raised more than $250,000 over the past 24 years and attracts about 400 people on the night.

Quiz night coordinator Rob Lundie said regular quiz masters came every year from the Parliamentary Library and the Immigration Department and that tables would be for 8-12 people. “You can either make one up yourself or come alone and we’ll find one for you,” Rob said.

The quiz night compere will be the fascinating voice of Radio National’s Rare Collections, David Kilby, and the night kicks off at 7.30pm with questions starting at 8pm.

The 24th annual Amnesty International quiz night will be held on Friday, 13 June, 7.30pm at the Hellenic Club, Matilda Street, Phillip. Cost $28. To book please contact Rob Lundie on 6277 2661 or rob.lundie@aph.gov.au

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