The below real estate market snapshot has been compiled based on the last week’s activity throughout Canberra and Queanbeyan. Percentages represent the increase/decrease from the previous week.
- Highest Sale: $1,200,000
- Lowest Price: $280,000
- Average Sale Price: $545,853 (- 8.74%)
- 2548 properties currently for sale
- 38 sales properties had price reductions
- 77 properties went under offer
- 47 properties SOLD!
- 222 properties have come onto the market
- 43 properties up for auction this coming weekend
- Highest Rental: $1100 per week
- Lowest Rental: $160 per week
- Average Rental Price: $414 (+ 2.22%)
- 2447 properties currently for rent
- 155 rental properties had price reductions
- 277 properties RENTED!
- 303 properties have come onto the market