This week’s Exile on Childers Street:
Free concert with free BBQ supplied by Baulderstone Honribrook
Thursday, Dec 3, 5pm-7pm @ Latin American Park
(bounded by Marcus Clarke, Rudd & Childers Streets)
Clankenstein’s music is zippy Balkan honkytonk featuring the mighty cimbalom – the bastard offspring of xylophone and piano. Romanian instrumentals in the style of the Gypsy ghetto, with a detour via Memphis. Take a ramble in the jangle with oddball two-steps to delight your inner horse-trader.
For more than a decade Clankenstein’s cimbalom player Tim Meyen has been hanging around the Gypsy neighbourhoods of Romanian villages, learning to play his instrument the good old-fashioned way from a variety of memorable characters. The trio explore this rich haul of material at full tilt. Choppy electric guitar and a thumping double bass add a spot of juke joint grime to the Turkish-inflected melodies.
For more info go to or phone 6247 1223