Join us for a night of many syles of Music
Friday 5th March at the Pot Belly Belconnen
Entry $10.00
1st Up Classic Prog style Rock outfit” ZZG” – Playing material from their debut CD “Trapped in the Mirror” with maybe a newie or two thrown in. CD’s available for a ten dollars on the night.
Local Lads “The Chuffs” are back with their first gig in a while and are sounding absolutely rocking with a new Sydney drumming Rthym machine in the form of Raf Marootians. “Flambe’ “ – The 2nd EP from these lads will be available on the night.
Headlining the night are Sydney bands “Absence of State” and “Elephant”.
“Absence of State”: Do you like you music fast and heavy, with catchy lyrics, dirty guitar riffs, screaming wah licks, fat groovy bass, thunderous drums and a dash of ska?
“Elephant” is a new band – A new project consisting of members from Spazmoo (South Coast) and Schlauncher (Newcastle).
So All in all an awesome night to be had!! Come along.. there may even be a free CD or 2 in it for the lucky few…
Cheers and hope to see you there!!