With our Chief Minister standing by his decision to forgive his vandalising protege Aidan Bruford, and with reports that “Stanhope=Dickhead” graffiti was spreading around the city (in reference to an exciting stoush Our Brave Leader had in Darwin, as reported by the Canberra Times), here at the RiotACT we thought this would be a good time to present a little how-to guide to stencil spray painting so that you too can join the fast-tracked political elites.
(Why stencils? Because they’re very very fast, no need to be worrying about your spelling while watching for blue lights.)
Below follows a quick guide, in words and pictures, and in a short time you too can be prowling public spaces in the small hours of the morning, and legging it before the police turn up. Having said that, here at RiotACT we think you should ask permission of the wall’s owner first (try Ainslie shops, I think they’d be amenable to this one).
[Note: The Chief Minister finally did accept Aidan’s resignation, as reported here.]
To start with we recommend you open a beer, everything is more fun with beer.
Then you need to go to your favourite website. Once you’re bored there come back here to RiotACT.
Download the stencil (or make your own if you can do better – shouldn’t be that hard – in the next little while I hope to get access to the one we actually used)
Print the puppy out to paper (stunning Brumbies nails not required)
Secure it to some thick card or thin plastic, then cut away the letters using a sharp object. We used a scalpel but a box-cutter, razor, switchblade, or shiv should work just as well.
You need to exercise particular care, our team worked in relays.
Once that’s done you’re going to need some cheap spraypaint from the hardware store (kids you’ll need to get your parents to buy this, no matter how strongly you feel about this cause, stealing is wrong).
Armed with the tools it is but the work of a moment to spread your message.
The finished product should look something like this:
So there you have it folks, how to join in the pastimes of the political elites in just a few easy steps.
You could get hundreds of these across town in a short night’s work if you’re quick on your toes.
Here at RiotACT however we must insist that you seek the permission of the wall’s owner before doing this. Otherwise we will never forgive you.
The Chief Minister and Attoney-General, on the other hand, is a far more forgiving man.