14 May 2005

Stanhope finally accepts Aidan Bruford's resignation, third time is a charm.

| johnboy
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ABC TV News have just reported that our Chief Minister has finally accepted the resignation of his adviser Aidan Bruford.

Our initial coverage of his was recorded here, followed up here, and prompted an arts and crafts project here.

I can’t say I take much joy from this. I’m just immensely saddened that our Chief Minister thought this was something he was above, something that he could, or even should, try to brazen out.

Having been caught doing something stupid, it’s a tragedy Aidan Bruford has been forced to attempt to resign three times and go through this extended ridicule, because of his boss’s arrogance.

ABC Online have the story here.

[ED – The Canberra Times has more here. Zed Seselja is making the point that the vast majority of youth are not public vandals so the youth argument on this is unfair to young people throughout the city (not to mention a bizarre defence for an adviser to a Chief Minister)]

[ED – ABC Online is now reporting that the Chief Minister thinks “the community” has a double standard on this issue.]

[ED – Mr Stanhope has now put out a media release, complete with Aidan’s letter of resignation.]

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*uuurrrgghh* Discussion thread want braaaaaains!!!

>>Jesus, LurkerGal. Politics and criminal acts just don’t >>mix, honey. It shouldn’t have taken as long as it has for >>Stanhope to dump his arse.
Works for the Liberals

Here’s something that all potential graffiti artists probably could learn from. Whgat happens when you get old, and try to ply your trade elsewhere. revs

Loudon Prufrock1:54 pm 19 Apr 05

Right on Ralph! To-day’s photo in the C T of the two of them together reveals a startling resemblance. Surely not? Perhaps a DNA test?

Did I hear, long ago, something about appointment to jobs with the Canberra City Council being on a merit basis?

Please keep me informed on this young buck’s doings.

Or Aidan is his love child. They look sorta similar, you know.

damnit, dont ignite a fire debate (no pun intended.. really)

In my opinion, i think Stanhope and this young lad had a kinky offset relationship, you know… monica/clinton style… sexy young intern. old withering fool…

hes just trying to save his bitch. and will go to any lengths to do so…

(sorry, i think this issue is completely stupid, therefore i make stupid comment to match the debate)

For some reason, the gremlins left out an important line in my post, which was “that everyone in high places commited various crimes and misdeamours and kept their jobs” (There, reads much better now)

Did anyone catch the Chief cabbage’s comment, which ran in the Age, to the effect that everyone and kept their jobs, so why should he sack his staffer for what was a very minor offence.
Remember, this is our Attorney-General speaking.

“I just think there’s an enormous double standard operating here and I believe a compassionate caring society, good employers, should support people in circumstances such as this.”

I imagine the residents of Quamby would laugh at this if they weren’t so busy trying to get some sleep in their closets.

Standards aren’t slipping, they slupped long ago.

Such a racket (jobs for the boys scenario) will not enable spent young adviser the opportunity to reflect on his actions (whether they are serious enough or not to threaten your employment prospects is another matter).

Standards are slipping it would seem and if someone doesn’t spend some time in the wilderness (and hey it happens to the best of us), then nothing is learnt from the experience.

So the Chief Minister will do away with due process to find a job for his lacky? I though jobs in the Public service was based on capability and merit… not cause ya mate is CM.

i note that the poodle like local news did not cover the departure until the very last item before sports on both 9 and 2.

at least he’s resigned.

i think stanhope emerges worse from this than prufrock.

Just heard that Mr Stanhope is hopeful that his former servant would be deserving of a placement within the Chief Ministers Department.

This is getting bizarre…

As VG says there’s a difference between a crime and a misdemeanour. it’s the difference between keeping a publicly funded job and losing it.

Also this is a local government, local issues are ALL that should matter to it.

That our Chief Minister doesn’t much care for local issues, nor the property of small businesess owners, is certainly a problem. He’d make a great member of parliament for this town.

As for the T-shirts? that’d be great. I’d buy one!

(even if I do reckon it’d sell better if you added our stencil to the mix)

by not taking the appropriate action (accepting the resignation), any condemnation wasnt worth the oxygen expended to make it

‘Jaywalking’ is an American offence, and in any case a ‘traffic’ offence. Wilfully marking a premises is a criminal offence, not to mention something incredibly juvenile for an ‘advisor’ to the CM

Hey VG, Stanhope did condemn the actions, he just didn’t want to fire anyone.

J walking isn’t legal either, that doesn’t mean anyone should lose their job over it. This town (and even more so this site) spent a lot of time worrying about something so piss weak as a little graph. Get over yourselves people it’s not actually all that important.

That being said I can imagine some t-shirts with the stencil on them would sell rather well at Gorman House Markets.

it was not so much the act, rather the glorious double standards. a staffer committed a criminal act, and his boss did nothing to condemn it, despite the clear need to do so.

silly man should have realised the consequences of his actions. myself and countless others have little sympathy for him.

blue tack, cutting surface, printer, beer, spray paint,

you want more?

OK then, give us more and we’ll run it.

That was an arts and crafts project??

well that creaking sound is hell freezing over 😉

thanks Hack.

LG, no two inteligent people should ever agree on every issue.

but this issue, for me, and for everyone who I spoke to about it, was not about party politics.

Lord knows I’ve done stupid things which, if i’d been caught, should have cost me my job.

But that doesn’t mean that, if caught, I wouldn’t have offered my resignation.

As did Aidan.

It was Mr. Stanhope who felt the rules did not apply to him, and chose to make this a soap opera.

Jesus, LurkerGal. Politics and criminal acts just don’t mix, honey. It shouldn’t have taken as long as it has for Stanhope to dump his arse.

Seemed like piousness from some. For some reason the whole thread got under my skin like very few others.

it was never about piousness.

it was about the fundamentals on which our society is built.

and I know a number of hard working ALP members who felt the same way.

I’d guess it was their opinion that moved this decision rather than my own howling at the moon.

which does not mean i intend to stop howling when the moon is full.

It shouldn’t have come to over 40 comments from people of varying levels of piousness, that’s for sure.

I can’t say I take much joy from this. I’m just immensely saddened that our Chief Minister thought this was something he was above, something that he could, or even should, try to brazen out.

I do feel somewhat vindicated I suppose.

I wish I hadn’t had to paint on a friends wall to make the point.

I’m glad my friend felt strongly enough in agreement to let me.

This was a simple issue, it shouldn’t have come to this.

Happy now guys?

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