4 January 2019

Man to face court after police vehicle rammed

| Ian Bushnell
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A 24-year-old man of no fixed address will face the ACT Magistrates Court today (Friday 4 January 2019) after a police vehicle was rammed in an attempt to evade arrest.

ACT Policing said that about 12:20 pm on Thursday, members of the ACT Policing Criminal Investigations Team identified a stolen black BMW entering the car park of a fast food outlet in Charnwood.

Police said that as officers approached the two occupants of the stolen vehicle, the driver rammed a police vehicle in an attempt to escape.

Police removed the two occupants from the vehicle and the driver was arrested and taken into custody.

The 24-year-old has been charged with driving a motor vehicle without consent, driving while disqualified, using an offensive weapon to hinder detention and resisting arrest.

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