The Canberra Times’ Markus Mannheim has a story on confirmation by our Chief Minister that the land from closed schools will be sold to real-estate developers.
What’s that you say? Didn’t the Education Minister, Andrew Barr, emphatically rule that out as he toured the Territory appeasing angry parents? (quite why they were calmed by knowing the schools would become mausoleums commemorating education rather than homes is a little hard to fathom)
In June, Mr Barr denied that the land of closed schools would be used for residential purposes, and later told a meeting of Belconnen parents that “there will be no land sales as a result of school closures”.
But the Chief Minister dismissed yesterday Mr Barr’s comments as a poor explanation, and described the suggestion that empty schools be fenced off and abandoned as “nonsense”.
He said possible future uses for the land included aged-care and affordable housing.
“Poor explanation” eh? That’s a nice way to say “wrong”.
I also like the clever use of “possible future uses” which i think means they’ll think about it before letting the developers do whatever they want.
Having said that, 39 medium density slums would do wonders for housing affordabilty.