The best NDIS service providers in Canberra

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Who are the best NDIS service providers in Canberra? Photo: File.

If you or someone you care for has a disability, chances are you’re familiar with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). It funds supports and services for people with permanent and significant disabilities.

People who participate in the scheme and have an individualised NDIS plan can choose their own providers with the support of either a local area coordination partner or a support coordinator. These professionals help participants get the most out of their funding, provide referrals to other services and help make connections to community groups.

Since every provider is different, it’s vital to make an informed choice when deciding which NDIS service provider is best for you or a loved one.

Choosing an NDIS service provider

A good place to start is the National Disability Insurance Agency’s list of NDIS providers. It details all NDIS service providers, including the services they provide and where they are based.

When researching prospective NDIS service providers, keep the following in mind:

  • Are the disability support professionals qualified and experienced? Your chosen service provider should – at a minimum – meet basic qualification requirements and use evidence-based strategies.
  • How will they help you take part in everyday life? The best service providers help NDIS participants participate in daily life at home, in the community and at school or work.
  • Are they culturally sensitive and inclusive? NDIS providers should welcome people regardless of their cultural, language or religious backgrounds or family beliefs.
  • Are they focused on teamwork? NDIS providers should work closely with family or friends identified in your NDIS plan as well as other providers to engage the best supports and services for the participant.
  • Do the disability support professionals think creatively? There aren’t necessarily obvious solutions to your wants and needs – and that’s okay – but you want support workers who can find a way around obstacles
  • How will they help achieve goals outlined in the plan? NDIS plans list a range of supports such as core and capacity building supports, categorising the areas of your funding. Your service provider should be able to help you understand your plan and work within this to achieve your goals.
  • Do they respect what is already working? Check that the potential provider aims to formalise what is already working while moving towards your goals, rather than pushing you towards services you are not interested in.

The best NDIS service providers in Canberra

Riotact’s editorial team has combed through 20 years of on-site comments to compile a list of the most recommended businesses according to you.

To be listed in our Best of Canberra series, each business needs to have consistently received positive feedback on Riotact and Facebook as well as maintaining a minimum average of 4/5 stars on Google.

Wellcare Australia

Wellcare Australia's residential recovery program is for people in the ACT who have an NDIS plan, are over 21 years of age and are interested in recovery-oriented residential and social care. It aims to build a community in which all residents have access to services and support appropriate to their mental health and wellbeing needs.

Wellcare provides services including - but not limited to - support with accommodation, assistance with personal activities, development of individual life skills, support coordination, plan management and participation in group centre activities.

Capital Region Community Services

Formerly known as Belconnen Community Service, Capital Region Community Services (CRCS) prides itself in its person-centred-practice approach to NDIS services. With a focus on capacity building and social connection, its workers are flexible and creative, working with you to find the best outcome.

CRCS has worked in the NDIS field since 2013 and so has great relationships within the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), and with other organisations around Canberra.

Hadrill Accounting

Hadrill Accounting in Mitchell can help you manage your NDIS plan in one of two ways. Firstly, it can provide advice and assistance on direct employing - either through a one-on-one planning meeting or an information pack with a step-by-step guide.

If that's too stressful or time-consuming, its registered plan managers can organise and manage the financial and administrative aspects of your NDIS plan for you.

Both options are covered by your NDIS plan, so you don't pay any extra.

Hadrill Accounting's NDIS advisors have experience in how the NDIS works as well as in areas like tax, small business bookkeeping and staff management.

Community Options

Community Options is a Griffith-based registered NDIS provider. It is committed to providing individualised support .

A not-for-profit community-based organisation, Community Options provides multiple levels of support coordination and can help you manage your plan. It also has experience working with psycho-social disability, complex and speciality disability (i.e. MS, MND, younger onset dementia), palliative and degenerative diseases. Support for clients' families and carers is also available.

Community Options is a British Standards Institution (BSI) 9001: 2008 certified organisation. This means it has adopted best practice standards to meet strict standard requirements, guidelines and client expectations. Its leadership team actively promotes continual organisational improvement to ensure Community Options is run effectively and efficiently.


Communities@Work works alongside you to help you understand and implement your NDIS plan so you can work towards achieving your life goals and aspirations. It supports people living with a disability through centre-based programs that focus on independent skill building in small group environments.

Communities@Work incorporates everyday living skills into workshops and fun activities. Its collaborative approach to planning workshops and programs focuses on supports relevant to your individual needs and on reaching goals identified in your NDIS plan.

Whilst you’re searching for NDIS service providers, you might also like to read our article on the best NDIS support coordination providers in Canberra.

Your experience with NDIS service providers in Canberra

Thanks to our commenters who have provided insightful feedback. If you believe we have got it wrong, please let us know.

Have you had experience with any of the service providers listed above? If so, share your feedback in the comments below.

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