While watching parts of CSI tonight, I noticed that 666 ABC Canberra are advertising their breakfast program, the ad mainly consisted of sound-bites of the presenters talking, with a key word or phrase from it flashed on the screen, “Incisive” & “love your show” are the ones that stuck in my head.
But why-oh-why-oh-why must the ABC waste taxpayers money on a useless advertising campaign. The ABC aren’t concerend about ratings because they don’t have advertisers who want lots of listeners, and they don’t need to promote the fact that they exist, we already know that.
I don’t know, maybe I’m just finding another thing to grumble about, and my blog is full of grumbles, but I am sure my tax could go towards something more useful than an advertising campaign that won’t make me change from 2CC anyway.
What do you think…and more interestingly, what radio station do you listen to?