Actew have announced that they have 700 tickets going to the first 700 punters to put their hands up for a behind the scenes tour of the Enlarged Cotter Dam engineering works.
Around 700 tickets will be available for the 45 minute tours which will take place on Saturday 16 April. The cost will be $5 for adults and $2 for children and concession card holders, with all proceeds going to local charity, Marymead. To secure and purchase your ticket call 6248 4095 after 9am on Wednesday 6 April.
ACTEW Managing Director Mark Sullivan said, we are very pleased to be opening up the worksite gates to the public again after the success of the last open day, which saw large crowds despite torrential rain.
“The worksite is in operation 24/7 and to ensure visitor safety we can only offer a certain number of spaces on the tours, so if you would like to attend then get in quick.
On the tours you will get a rare opportunity to talk to the dedicated team behind the project and find out the ‘ins and outs’ of building a dam. You’ll hear about work that has been done to date on the site, and find out what’s in store as the project approaches completion in autumn 2012”.
Visitors will experience:
• the massive work site which covers an area of 97 hectares and is equivalent to around 30 Canberra Stadiums;
• amazing views of the Cotter Reservoir and Precinct;
• the 50 tonne trucks, tower cranes and other machinery being used to build the new dam;
• two saddle dams which have been completed;
• a large rock crushing plant, giant pile of aggregate, batch plant and on site quarry; and
• the historic Cotter Dam and excavated abutments before the new 80m high wall is built and the old wall is inundated.