The Nursing Federation has announced they’re taking the Government offer rather than resorting to industrial action:
ACT Public Sector Nurses and Midwives met today to consider the revised ACT Government pay offer. The meeting was called following a meeting between the Chief Minister and ACT ANF representatives at which the Chief Minister withdrew the contentious ACT Government claim to make significant cuts to Qualification Allowance entitlements.
The result of the meeting was very close, with only a very small number of votes between those Nurses and Midwives who sought to take Industrial Action and those who wanted to accept the Government offer. Australian Nursing Federation – ACT Branch Secretary Ms Jenny Miragaya said “It was a very close vote, you can see both from the vote and from the hundreds of letters that have been sent from Nurses and Midwives in the ACT to the Minister that Nurses and Midwives are overworked and undervalued. The comment came from the floor that it is all well and good the Minister saying she values Nurses, why doesn’t she show it?”
“Accepting the offer today means that Nurses and Midwives will be assured of a 3.5% pay increase that will be back-paid to 1 July 2011 and secures another increase of 3.5% in July 2012” Ms Miragaya said.