Here in the Eagle’s Nest we think the Murrumbidgee to Googong Pipeline is a brilliant idea. But not everyone’s a fan.
Charlotte Meany has posted this video and sent an open letter to the Minister:
Dear Minister,
The Murrumbidgee to Googong pipeline water transfer is a horrific project happening right on
our doorstep here in Burra. It will be responsible for destroying the delicate eco-system here
which is far more important to future generations than 150 million dollars worth of profit in
company wins and jobs.You are in one of ACTEW’s videos promoting it. Interesting none of those videos allow comments!
Well my little protesting one does so please go and have a look and please make a comment:
While you are there please take note of the publication which can be acquired from Enviroment Dept!
Instructing AGAINST the use of pipeline for drought solution.
Charlotte Meany