The Lego Challenge keeps gathering pace with the Greens getting on board via Johnathan Davis.
For those coming in late there’s two things going on here:
- 1) We need donations of Lego (or Lego contributed for return on a by-the-kilogram basis as we don’t plan to separate them back out again)
2) So we can then spend August and September in the pub watching ACT election candidates trying to make the most impressive possible creation with the available bricks.
It should be noted we’re not doing one giant sit down with all the candidates at once (fun as that could be) but a series run over many nights with a YouTube video of what they make and what comes of it.
We’re certainly encouraging candidates to get in and donate the pieces they’re wanting to see when they sit down with the big box of Lego.
Much appreciated Johnathan! As a donating candidate he’s allowed to choose venue for his upcoming challenge, in this case PJ’s Tuggeranong has been nominated.
(Yes we realise clever candidates are getting good cheap publicity out of this. This is not a problem as we aim to encourage clever candidates)
So far the donating tally is Two Liberal, Two Labor, Two members of the public (Thank you Ayrton and Penelope), One Greens and no minor parties.
Yet. We’ll let you know!