2 July 2024

The Hoot: Pop the champagne! It's time ACT buses had business class

| David Murtagh
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This week on The Hoot, we’re all about the money, money, money.

We start with the ACT Budget (stop yawning; this is important), and then we get to the baffling pay rise for our new Governor General, Sam Mostyn. How big is the pay rise? How does 43 per cent sound? That’s 43 per cent on a salary already nudging $500,000. (Let that sink in for a minute …)

What’s more remarkable about the extra $200,000 a year is the reasoning behind the bump. Sometimes, you have to wonder whether our leaders live in the real world. Don’t they know there’s a cost-of-living crisis™?

And finally, should there be Business Class on ACT buses?

Before you scoff, the idea has more merit than you might think. It’s certainly a better idea than forking out an extra $4000 a week for a role whose main purpose is pinning gongs on people and scoffing scones and cucumber sandwiches.

It’s all on The Hoot, with Claire Fenwicke and David Murtagh.

Share it, rate it, review it. And if you can figure out how to get an extra 200 k a year, let dmurtagh@region.com.au know.

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