CityNews’ Stilletto column is always an interesting piece of superficiality. this week’s column has an interesting snippett about what some might guess is Lot 33 in Kingston.
Who let the dogs out?
Well off their chain at least. Rather disturbing to Stiletto is the treatment of punters at one Kingston nightclub renowned for young things clutching bottles of water and dancing with their hands in the air until very late, a group known more for being Loved-Up rather than Punched-Up. This establishment seems to have an excessive force welcome policy on the door. We witnessed one young fella get punched fair in the face by a huge brute which made the brute look like a right goose as this young man was hardly being a menace to anyone. It seems this is a regular occurrence. When we mentioned it to friends we were met with “oh yeah, that happened last week too. It was probably X”. Maybe they could take some lessons from the B Bar door team up the street who see their roles as more customer service than Rocky VII. Well we are pleased to hear that said club is shortly being taken over by new owners, members of the Constabulary no less, who understand the words “Law Suit” and “Excessive Force” and will no doubt (we hope) ensure the Door Bore’s pull their heads (and fists) in.
Note, not retired members of the constabulary. A major step up in the (admittedly advanced) corruption of any body politic is when police go from accepting bribes from criminals to organising the criminality themselves. Is that what we’re talking about here?