25 September 2024

ACT Labor pledges $150 million to upgrade facilities, heating and cooling in public schools if re-elected

| Oliver Jacques
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The ACT Government has also promised a meals-at-school trial. Photo: James Coleman.

ACT Labor has promised to invest $150 million to upgrade toilets, classrooms, playgrounds, green spaces and staff rooms in public schools across Canberra if re-elected in October 2024.

“We will conduct an audit of all our public schools … to understand the intimate detail of every single school and what the priorities are for every school,” ACT education minister Yvette Berry said in a press conference at Belconnen High School on Monday (23 September).

“We’ll work with schools to ensure it is done on an equity basis so those schools who need the work done quickly and as soon as possible will get priority.”

Minister Berry said $30 million of these funds will be invested to install more heating and air conditioning in classrooms and staff rooms across public schools.

“We’ll make sure schools have heating and cooling that are climate appropriate for both students and staff … we’ll ensure that our staff rooms have appropriate climate levels so that teachers are comfortable, too.”

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She said funds will go towards making sure schools are as inclusive as possible.

“Our plan will see accessibility infrastructure upgrades like ramps, lifts, accessible toilets and sensory spaces prioritised,” she said.

Canberra Liberals leader Elizabeth Lee was not impressed with the promise.

“The fact is this government has been there for 23 years, and the fact that less than a month before the election, it is announcing $150 million for basics like heating, cooling and toilets just shows the utter long-term neglect that this government has embarked on,” she said.

“When you’ve got evidence that is before the parliamentary inquiry that students are being forced to bring blankets to classrooms… that is a massive problem… this just goes to show its admission of utter failure.”

At the Monday press conference, Chief Minister Andrew Barr hit back at his opponents, saying they were the ones making unrealistic promises.

“There’s a lot of big numbers and wild claims that have been made through this campaign that will fail at the first hurdle … we have been clear throughout this process that the commitments we put forward go through a lens of both financial affordability and capacity to deliver,” Mr Barr said.

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ACT Labor also says it will work with the local school communities at Melba Copland Secondary School and Fraser Primary School to design and commence upgrades to their campuses.

“In this term, Labor has delivered hundreds of school infrastructure upgrades. From Gungahlin through to Tuggeranong, whether it’s a new shade sail or upgrades to a school hall, we’re continuing to make sure that every public school is a great school,” the party said in a media release.

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Heywood Smith1:24 pm 27 Sep 24

Any reason why the local candidates comments were removed? what a crock of SH&T!

So essentially they are saying ‘vote for us and this time we promise to do what we should have been doing for the past 20 years’ Surely the ACT public won’t fall for this again…

Tom McLuckie8:05 am 27 Sep 24

Deja vu. Worryingly, similar upgrades were committed to by Labor in 2020. I wonder if they actually undertook any of the commitments and spending promised in the 2020 Election Commitment under LAB060 – Public School Infrastructure Renewal. If Yvette could be transparent and advise exactly how much of those promised infrastructure upgrades and spending were actually undertaken it would be a good start.

You’re bang on, no, the money wasn’t spent, or wasn’t “extra” money. Barr plays ‘three card monty’ every election, committing funding for X, and the media releases imply it is capital funding (ie, extra capex), but the capex details are really that much of it is planning for capex (so internal directorate funding) or “upgrades” (no, just maintenance of capital assets), or it is just pure opex… disingenuous at best, dishonest at worst. So a $40m promise on a school upgrade is actually only $10m of new gutters and roof tiles and insulation, and a couple more shoddy demountables onto the shrinking oval even as intake increases. And then as the election comes, the money gets pushed out into the forwards due to ‘program delays’ or some rubbish.

But the Libs should know by now to use the estimates prior to the election to chip and FOI their way through this, and they don’t.

Stephen Saunders9:35 am 26 Sep 24

You can vote Greens, Labor, Liberal, it makes no difference. The long-term political settlement in this country is that the funding system protects church schools as the preferred sector. The archbishops know that Albanese presents zero threat to this corrupt system, Dutton likewise.

This is actually making me very sick 🤢🤢🤮. You have such gag orders on all the teachers, if only they could speak🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐. You talk about “conditions” like heating and cooling but work your teachers to the bone and keep them in a state of shock because it never, ever ends. Your Principals running the schools are ignorant, suck up dictators just like you. They refuse parental input, refuse to call or engage with parents like adults, and hide behind the circus of the Directorate for protection from their own stupidity, whilst threatening teachers with misconduct. My kid has never been so EXCLUDED or unsafe under this Labor/Greens madness. She can’t even wear her uniform in case she gets bashed because the Principal is too stupid to even know or think about the broader context within their brain bubble physical reality office four walls … it is a sheltered workshop. But what would I know? Oh yeah… That’s right…. I am only a FULLY QUALIFIED TEACHER … I’ve done my time, earned my stripes, and have the right to speak 🤐🤐🤐 …. and I QUIT ….. yep, another Honours Degree in the toilet, targeted Graduate gone, highest in degree waste of time …. teacher down, DEAD ☠… but at least I have no code of conduct gag 🤐🤐🤐 orders and can say what I want..OH NO BERRY, WHATCH GONNA DO?? The goal isn’t money, it is freedom from this Labor/Greens dictatorship. Berry you are full of BULL. Can’t stand to even see your face on corflutes without my stomach turning. You have SHUT PARENTS OUT of their legal right to parental input and you make up lines and policies that are just lip service. You have politicized schools with your agenda (which is UNETHICAL) and are brainwashing and shoveling this down our kids throats. A freak show full of clowns!!! 🤪😜🤩😜😜 YES BERRY…That is called freedom of speech, parental rights, and an educated impression… and it’s NO from me. 😠😠😠😠🤬

David Pollard - Independent for Yerrabi8:26 am 26 Sep 24

I’ve spoken with plenty of teachers this election and most of them start by saying their comments must remain anonymous. They then go on, often with tears in their eyes, and talk about the conditions they face daily. They say that when it come to support from the minister, everything is about political image above all else.

It’s time for change.

Vote first for independents if you want to see change. A vote for labor, greens OR liberals is a vote for the status quo – thanks to an electoral system and landscape that favours the major parties.

Heywood Smith10:37 am 27 Sep 24

Cool story David. I’m not suggesting our public school system isn’t somewhat broken, but im yet to hear how you and your mates are going to fix it.

Amanda Kiley10:07 pm 25 Sep 24

Haven’t ACT Labor had 23 years to fix all these problems?

Vote for Labor, we’ll provide clean oxygen, for a modest price.

And the money just keeps rolling in

When Mr Barr still hasn’t even started on his election promises from back at the 2016 Election, it’s pretty rich of him to claim “we have been clear that the commitments we put forward go through a lens of both financial affordability and capacity to deliver,”

Not happy Andrew!

Weird how they have apparently let public schools get into such a state of disrepair, and now weeks out from an election they have decided to fix it all. 🤣

Is this another recycled and undelivered promise from last election like all the others?

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