Mr. Stanhope is rather pleased with himself. The fastest law in the west is going to make “Green Vehicles” stamp duty free.
- The Scheme would encourage people to buy low emissions vehicles by rewarding them with a stamp duty discount based on the environmental performance of the vehicle. Vehicles that score the highest environmental rating would attract a 100 per cent stamp duty discount while vehicles with an above average environmental performance would also pay reduced stamp duty rates.
Interestingly this appears to ignore the environmental footprint of the production of the vehicle, and by excluding second hand vehicle sales, is going to encourage some serious resource consumption in new vehicle production.
But it doesn’t end there.
We’re also congratulating ourselves for “abating” 400,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in 2007. Apparently the equivalent of 95,000 cars.
My dictionary says the definition of abatement is “the ending, reduction, or lessening of something”. Did we actually reduce emissions by this amount? Or did we pay someone who promised to plant some trees?
Apparently only 14% of the “abatement certificates” were from renewable energy so that’s lot of trees out there. I hope they don’t get sold twice.