In a month where ACT Policing focussed its attention on the issue of seatbelts, 40 motorists were issued with Traffic Infringement Notices (TIN) for not wearing a seatbelt while driving.
In addition to the 40 TINs, there were a further two TINs issued for passengers not wearing a seatbelt.
Officer-In-Charge of Traffic Operations, Sergeant Rod Anderson said that seat belts saved lives, and that drivers also carried the full responsibility for their passengers wearing seat belts.
“It is an offence to drive while not wearing your seatbelt or to permit passengers of any age to travel in your car without seatbelts,” Sergeant Anderson said.
“It’s also crucial to ensure all children travelling in the vehicle are correctly restrained in a suitable approved child restraint which is properly fastened and adjusted, or occupy a seating position fitted with a suitable seatbelt and wear the seatbelt properly adjusted and fastened, even for short trips.”
“Seat belts are a proven safety feature and there’s no excuse for not wearing one. You greatly reduce the chances of being killed or seriously injured in a collision if you’re wearing a seat belt and that belt is properly adjusted.”
Every year in Australia more than 20% of all the road fatalities involve a person, including children, not being properly restrained.
ACT Policing targeted seatbelts throughout the month of September as part of its multi-agency road safety strategy. As part of this strategy, the target for October will shift to speeding.
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