7 March 2025

Dutton cut his ACT candidates loose before they even started

| Chris Johnson
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Peter Dutton MP

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has promised to get rid of 36,000 public servants if he is elected prime minister. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

Peter Dutton has made it all but impossible for any of his candidates in the ACT to win a seat at the imminent federal election.

Why? APS jobs, that’s why.

The Opposition Leader and his front bench have made an art form over the past year of bashing the Australian Public Service and promising to slash jobs if the Coalition is elected.

To be precise, 36,000 jobs.

He is also threatening to somehow force public servants back into the office five days a week, despite them having an enterprise agreement giving them the flexibility for hybrid work-from-home arrangements.

The Opposition Leader knows there are more federal public servants living and working outside of Canberra than those located in the capital.

But it’s a much-loved Coalition tactic to pretend all public servants live in the ACT to enable the Liberals and Nationals to denigrate Canberra and Canberrans in the chase for votes.

Because, quite simply, Mr Dutton has written off his ACT candidates long ago – before they were even pre-selected.

He knows there is slim chance of an endorsed Liberal candidate getting up in this “Labor town” full of public servants, so he’s quite comfortable with employing a strategy of making the task even more difficult for them.

It’s an impossible ask for Coalition candidates on the ground in Canberra to campaign while their leader is bagging out their constituency ad nauseam.

This is how it’s playing out.

A teenage Liberal candidate (yes, a teenager) has been forced this week to downplay Mr Dutton’s promised assault on the public service by saying no-one in the APS needs to worry about losing their jobs.

Really? No-one has to worry about losing their jobs? No-one in the APS? Really?

So, who’s telling the truth and who’s fudging it here?

Is 19-year-old ANU student William Roche, who also just happens to be a Liberal Party candidate for the seat of Canberra at this coming election, actually calling his federal leader a bit of a fibber?

Is he saying the Opposition Leader is just messing with members of the APS and the Australian voting public when he says there will be mass sackings?

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The teenager is using terms such as “natural attrition” to explain how a Coalition government will find efficiencies in the public service.

But that’s not what Mr Dutton, his Shadow Finance Minister Jane Hume and a host of other Coalition A-listers are saying.

They are being extremely explicit about 36,000 jobs in the APS going pretty much straight away – and that’s just for starters.

The Coalition has to do that, Mr Duttons says, so it can pay for its Medicare promises.

Did he not explain this policy to his teenage candidate?

Do the Liberals now have to discipline their teenage man in Canberra for contradicting the federal leader?

The continual ranting about “bludging” public servants and a fat bureaucracy might help the Coalition win some votes around the rest of the country – although it’s just as likely to not help at all (did we mention there are heaps of public servants living in the other states?) – as people are genuinely worried about losing vital frontline services.

But here in the nation’s capital, such rhetoric will only serve to alienate members of the Coalition even further than they are already.

It’s only a handful of seats Mr Dutton can live without and can’t win anyway, so why not employ the much-used and much-loved Canberra-bashing tactic?

And at the same time he can throw his ACT candidates to the wolves, under a bus, in the deep end, and any other much-used and much-loved term to describe their completely dire situation.

Canberrans voted for the Voice anyway so let’s write them off completely, yeah?

It brings us back, however, to the question of who is actually telling the truth about APS job losses.

Is it Mr Dutton or is it his teenage candidate?

Mr Roche’s mum works for DFAT so he must be talking with some authority on the issue. Surely?

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HiddenDragon8:54 pm 07 Mar 25

“A teenage Liberal candidate (yes, a teenager) ….”

A 19-year-old who ticked the relevant identity boxes (even better if they had a hyphenated surname) and who was a Labor/Green/Teal/Independent candidate wouldn’t be getting snarled at through curled lips on this site, they would have their very own puff piece, replete with all the usual platitudes about new perspectives, shaking things up and listening to the voices of the future.

That said, megsy makes a good point about the Senate.

Even though Dutton is regularly portrayed in a relentlessly hostile local media as a decaying radioactive potato with Voldemort tendencies (compared to Albanese as an amiable over-the-hill Harry Potter, with a touch of Mr Sheen and/or Mr Magoo), that does not mean that the Liberals have no hope in the Senate.

A Liberal message along the lines of “we have to make savings, for the benefit of current and future taxpayers, and Canberra has to do its share – but we have plans to broaden and deepen the private sector in Canberra”, and which pointed to the anti-business policies of the ACT government, could work – but that would require a more considered approach than we have thus far seen from this Opposition.

Incidental Tourist5:24 pm 07 Mar 25

Dutton’s ire casts Pocock’s shadow. The reality is that People Rebulic of Canberra has no voice in the liberals camp since Zed lost to Pocock. Zed was an influential cabinet minister and surely should he be a shadow cabinet minister today then Dutton’s rhetoric would be different. Despite Pocock making noise his political influence is close to zero as he belongs to the backbench. He has no chance to be a cabinet minister in any government. Perhaps Pocock could have delivered more value to ACT by being a contributor in this website. Ironically the only way for Canberra to soften the blow is to get a liberal candidate back.

That’s an interesting way to portray the Liberals as captured by their own interests rather than wanting to govern for all Australians.

Weird message to put forward though seeing as you seemingly support them.

Capital Retro7:20 pm 07 Mar 25

Why should Pocock contribute anything to this website?
Most here probably voted for him and the rest probably voted for Labor/Green.
Also, Pocock’s financial backers would have influence about where he does/doesn’t contribute.

The coalition doesn’t want public servants informed advice, just wanting them to implement unscientific uninformed policies devised by the politicians. That’s why they need to get rid of public servants, rather than upskilling them so there is an internal knowledge base.

With less public servants, they can employ compliant consultant mates who do what they’re told at exorbitant pay rates but without challenging the politicians or giving frank and fearless advice.

It’s a bit low to have a go at Will Roche because of his age. What, a young adult can’t contribute to important national debates? And haven’t the critics been complaining the Liberal Party is made up of stale males? Nothing stale about young Mr Roche…

There was no pre-selection for this seat and is merely just Nick’s Pick.

The Liberals are shooting themselves in the foot by completely alienating Canberra. No, they don’t need the lower house seats and can win government without them. However, their chances of ever reclaiming that senate seat have also evaporated and, as we have seen, if that senate seat has the balance of power (which is possible, either individually or as part of the current independent bloc), it could impact on a Coalition governments ability to pass legislation.

Short-sighted thinking Mr Dutton (again).

Capital Retro1:19 pm 07 Mar 25

Very pragmatic of Dutton megsy as this is a Labor town as you know and I bet you always vote Labor, too.
The rest of Australia hates Canberra and their votes will determine the result on the next election.

Whether I vote Labor or not is irrelevant and you might be right in that other parts of Australia will determine who forms government. However, my point is that the parliament is more than the House of Representatives. For legislation to pass, the government needs control of the Senate or at least a workable relationship with any cross-benchers who might hold the balance of power. The senate seat the Liberals lost at the last election (once thought to be impossible for them to lose) has turned out to be fairly important in this current parliament and may be critical in the next parliament. Dutton cannot afford to be so cavalier about it, nor continue to hold Canberra in contempt.

Capital Retro7:22 pm 07 Mar 25

Dutton is being pragmatic, there is nothing in it to be cavalier about.

You have gone rogue by identifying the candidate’s mum’s work place. Keep her out of her son’s campaign unless she explicitly joins it. The two may not agree on politics.

Chris Johnson7:28 pm 07 Mar 25

Just FYI. He put that out there himself. Maybe check the interviews he’s been doing.

Canberra is a safe Labor seat, regardless of what the Libs are planning, Canberra will always vote Labor.

A federal seat and two local seats are now independent so that’s just a ridiculous thing to say.

Not campaigning in the ACT is just an excuse. If Dutton was a leader he’d be offering a vision for Australia’s future and trying to convince all Australians to get on board, whether it’s easy or not to get on board.

But Dutton’s not a leader, he has no vision and he doesn’t care about his fellow Australians if there’s nothing in it for him. He’s not fit to be PM.

Capital Retro1:21 pm 07 Mar 25

As you and your comrades are about to find out Seano, the majority of other other Australians will soon tell you how wrong you are.

@Capital Retro
The polls are suggesting a hung parliament is a good possibility, CR.

So as, Seano said, a jurisdiction, which has elected independents both locally and federally (you might remember a fellow called Seselja, who was shown the door in preference for an independent, at the last federal election), may well be in step with the majority of other Australians.

Wrong about what Capital.

Beside the puerile “comrade” jibe what have you got? Be specific. Exactly what did I say that was wrong?

No point talking sense to Capital, JS.

The right wing intellectuals *cough* think Trump won in a landslide instead of a few hundred thousand votes. They also seem to believe that disastrous start to the Trump s****show is popular in Australia and I can tell you it’s not even popular in America where the Republicans are now cancelling their townhalls rather than face angry constituents.

As for our election. I make no predictions but I would bet it will be close. But I will though observe If it is close…and the geniuses who relentlessly post nonsense on here don’t seem to get this, the GG will ask Albo if can form a government first. That’s how the system works.

And if Albo can’t there’s no guarantee that odious Dud Dutton will be able to form a government either.

You’re right Dutton just blanking the ACT is not only poor leadership it’s politically dumb.

Capital Retro5:36 pm 07 Mar 25

Dutton is a leader. You probably too young to have seen another leader so I’ll forgive you.

Lord Cardigan, Mussolini, General Custer and Saddam Hussein were also leaders.

Your point was…?

Well done on your unbeaten run of being incapable of challenging any comment on it’s merits. I guess you have to be blindly support the team when you’re wrong about everything.

There hasn’t been a Liberal ACT member this millennium so candidates know what they’re up against. As for Dutton’s WFH policy, the cries of “anti-women” from the unions are hilarious. There’s nothing wrong in asking people to turn up to work. It produces better results and better teamwork. Is it any surprise that all the additional workers Albanese has employed haven’t produced better tangible APS outcomes ?

The fact that Dutton isn’t even trying here is indictment of him, he clearly doesn’t care about his fellow Australians unless there’s something in it for him. He’s not fit to be PM.

Meanwhile, there’s nothing wrong with working from home if it’s properly managed.

Unsurprisingly the majority of Australians disagree and have found Albanese seriously deficient and lacking leadership qualities. Great cartoon in the Oz today summarises his ineptitude nicely.

As for WFH there’s momentum across the globe to get people back into the office. Why should the APS be any different.

Penfold, there have been Liberal Senators from the ACT in this millennium. That senate seat often is part of the balance of power in the Senate, so its foolhardy of Dutton to sacrifice any chance of regaining it.

Well messy you are possibly right that that Senate seat could return to the Libs one day but it’s hard to see it anytime soon. There’s probably more votes for Dutton to be won than lost in targeting to APS. The voice vote showed how out of touch Canberra is with mainstream Australia on political matters.

Nothing I said was a defence of Albo.

The point is there’s a difference between mediocre and unfit. Albo is no Hawke but Temu Trump Dutton is very much a half-term disaster Tony Abbott.

“As for WFH there’s momentum across the globe to get people back into the office. Why should the APS be any different.”….as for this made up drivel, even if it was true so what? There’s nothing wrong with WFH if it’s properly managed and people are meeting KPIs.

Well Seano one of them is going to be PM after May and there’s a fair chance it will be Dutton. How would you cope ?

As for WFH there’s many companies demanding workers get back to the office post Covid. Perhaps a wider range of news sources might be in order.

megsy – apologies for the typo, autocorrect must have kicked in !

Capital Retro7:16 pm 07 Mar 25

The liberals have two chances of winning a Federal seat in the ACT ever again.
None and Buckley’s.

I’ll be fine Penfold I’m in the demographic that gets the big (and undeserved) tax cuts, but the real question is how will you cope with Dud Dutton having to negotiate with the teals to pass legislation…what with Dutton having dumb ideas and the personality of a pencil it’s going to be hilarious.

No one, at any stage, thought a Liberal candidate in the ACT was a chance in the next election did they?

Stephen Saunders9:42 am 07 Mar 25

Merely restating, what was mathematically proven by The Voice vote. Canberra is a different country to Rest Of Australia. From Black Mountain Tower, that means Rest Of Australia are selfish, ignorant, racists. It’s not a happy divide, is it?

Oh dear, clearly learned nothing from the crazy voice.

The rest of Australia are not all supporters of windfarms plonked in national parks, destroying Koala habitats

No referendum can win without bipartisan support.

Dutton and the racist scare campaign killed the voice but the blame for the failure belongs to Albo. It should never have been put forward without bipartisan support.

Australians were not racist for voting no they were just once again badly let down by their leaders.

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