23 August 2008

We has a banner

| johnboy
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The stubby holders might be still to arrive but the banner is loud and proud.

Keep your eyes open for it at all the best events.

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I want to see that thing flying around on Mr Stanhope’s latest artwork. Wont that get the traffic backed up!

Cameron said :

haha – now that I like.

As for being too cheap to be in the Yellow Pages… it is a ridiculously expensive exercise and dealing with Sensis Yellow Pages is the equivalent of bashing your head against a brick wall for a few weeks at a time.

I find bashing my head against a brick wall is actually less painful. It can actually become rather rhythmic and soothing over time.

And I’m 50/50 on the topic of ‘To URL or not to URL’. I’d probably be just as likely to look up a web-site as do a we search on a large name on a banner giving no further detail as to its nature.

Just trying to remember where I first heard about ‘RiotACT’. Probably from Loadedog (RIP, now Culturazi).

haha – now that I like.

As for being too cheap to be in the Yellow Pages… it is a ridiculously expensive exercise and dealing with Sensis Yellow Pages is the equivalent of bashing your head against a brick wall for a few weeks at a time.

Holden Caulfield5:34 pm 25 Aug 08

Maybe it can be like the cheapskates at Ultra Tune who are too tight to pay for Yellow Pages ads and so end their TVCs with “Find us under ‘U’ in the White Pages.”

RiotACT – A local website for news and views
Google it!

Yeah, I think that works well. Now, about that fugly Arial Black, haha.

A tagline like that would be fine – but to then not include the URL is silly. Without it the banner says “RiotACT” “We’re a website” “Now go find us!”.

That said, if someone were so inclined, Googling the term Riot ACT would lead them here pretty quickly.

I think a tagline like ‘A local website for news and views’ would be more use than the url.

true, all true.

And that you have a poor memory.

Holden Caulfield3:15 pm 25 Aug 08

But at least you’d know RiotACT is a website.

Cameron said :

Would the URL on the banner stop you from looking up the site?

no. I would forget the url before I was at my computer.

Would the URL on the banner stop you from looking up the site?

i vote against. Unless the banner was at a socialist event, there’s a 90% chance I’d google it.

heh – perhaps.

In any event, my feedback (and I’m not sure if you were soliciting any, John) is that Banner v2 should contain the website addy πŸ™‚

Some of us are more easily excited than others it appears.

Davo111 said :

Cameron said :

To expand ones knowledge?

Sure. Maybe it’s because I already know RA, but seeing a banner saying nothing but “RiotACT” wouldn’t exactly excite my curiosity.

Cameron said :

but to go home and Google a banner you know zero about?

To expand ones knowledge?

Reminds me of this article – http://www.rankforsales.com/news-ba/764-seo-sep-10-04.html

Your powers of deduction amaze me.

Ah, That Cameron.

My point is this – anyone who has no earthly idea what RiotACT is might see this banner somewhere and ponder its meaning – but to go home and Google a banner you know zero about? That’s very different from Googling a potential sporting club for your children.

In any event, I like the banner. I should.

Googling ‘riot act’ brings up this site as the first result, so I think the URL is redundant. Anyone who cares enough to want to find out more will happily Google.

My answer to everything is “Google it”.

And of course JB didn’t get Stanhope to fund it as a “public artwork”, that would just invite Pratt (by name, by nature) to come and destroy it in an effort to clean it up, or something.

blah blah blah I just got back from holidays…

I Google stuff all the time to find out more info, so why not a banner ?

Cameron said :

Really? How often do you Google banners you see at events?

quite often actually. i.e. You see a sporting club you want your kids to join, the first thing I do is ‘google’ the club name.

Really? How often do you Google banners you see at events?

Cameron said :

Vic Bitterman said :

Should chuck the URL on there JB…

Good point, should absolutely have the URL there. Anyone who knows what RA is will see the banner and think “cool”, whereas anyone at the event that has never heard of it will think “WTF is this RiotACT?”.

The URL would be good. Otherwise some people might be motivated enough to go home and Google it.

Vic Bitterman said :

Should chuck the URL on there JB…

Good point, should absolutely have the URL there. Anyone who knows what RA is will see the banner and think “cool”, whereas anyone at the event that has never heard of it will think “WTF is this RiotACT?”.

I can see it now….under cover of night JB and Jazz sneaking up to the big house on the Hill and as dawn breaks the Riotact banner flying proudly on the flagpole πŸ™‚

Vic Bitterman9:38 am 24 Aug 08

Should chuck the URL on there JB…

There’d be a standoff, two cats frozen on tip toe, hair on end, ears back, glaring at each other.

If you hang it outside vg’s house old Jimbo’ll get a bit of a shock ….

: )

Problem is you might make it easier for people like Jimbo to find out where you live haha.

johnboy said :

Any event that doesn’t like having our banner up is self-evidently inferior.

In fact they can suck our balls.


bubzie said :

define best events??

but yeah, very nice πŸ™‚

Any event that doesn’t like having our banner up is self-evidently inferior.

In fact they can suck our balls.

define best events??

but yeah, very nice πŸ™‚

realityskin said :

all the best events ? uh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Are you ever going to have anything good to say RS?

If not dare I say it reflects more on you than us.

I wonder who’ll be the first to steal it?

Why, to try hard?

Holden Caulfield8:45 pm 23 Aug 08

If you guys ever want to rid yourselves of the horror of that bloody Arial black, please give me a call. πŸ˜‰

It looks really good! (I love my pin BTW).

: )


Did you ask Stanhope if he would fund the banner as a public artwork?

all the best events ? uh huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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