The Canberra Raiders are letting it be known you have until Thursday to register for Raiderette tryouts on Saturday. If that sort of thing floats your boat:
Registrations for the 2013 Raiderettes trials for Saturday October 27, close this Thursday (October 25).
Do you think you can dance? Then why not try out for the 2013 Perfume Box Raiderettes.
The Perfume Box Raiderettes are looking for talented dancers to try out for the 2013 squad. As a Raiderette you get the unique opportunity to dance in front of passionate Raiders crowds at Canberra Stadium, while being part of promoting the Raiders brand in the community.
This year’s try outs will be held on Saturday October 27 from 1.00pm – 4.00pm at Club Lime in Belconnen (CISAC). All interested dancers are asked to reserve a place at the audition by sending an email via reception@raiders.com.au or by calling Raiders HQ on (02) 6253 3515.
[Photo Courtesy www.raiders.com.au.]