Simon Corbell has announced he’s going to make traffic penalties less punitive:
Disadvantaged and financially vulnerable drivers in the ACT will have additional options for dealing with their traffic and parking penalties under a new payment scheme, Attorney General, Simon Corbell, announced today.
“The scheme will include options to pay penalties in instalments, or undertake community work or social development programs in place of payment,” said Mr Corbell.
The Road Transport Legislation Amendment Bill 2013, introduced into the Assembly today, builds on legislation passed in May 2012.
“The new payment options will assist people whose personal situation makes it significantly harder for them to pay their traffic and parking penalties, particularly those who are disadvantaged financially or may be going through a particularly difficult period in their lives,” he said.
“Instalment payments for penalties will start at $10 a fortnight, and payments can be made through direct debit, BPay or Centrepay, or through Australia Post by phone, internet or in person.”
The options of instalment payments or work or development programs will be administered under a single ‘infringement notice management plan’, which will consolidate all of a person’s penalties into a single amount. Instalment payments are automatically available to holders of certain pensioner or concession cards.
“The option of participating in community work or social development program will also be available to people who are unable to pay by instalments and who face difficult personal circumstances,” said Mr Corbell.
To demonstrate just how well the existing scheme is deterring poor behaviour we remind our dear readers of the Monday parking extravaganzas.
Given the odds of getting caught versus the now featherweight penalties we’d like to thank Simon for this unexpected contribution to our user generated segment.