I’m a contractor but have been ‘between jobs’ for about two months now. Perhaps you’re like me and currently looking for work? If so, you know how isolating it can be when all your peers are at work and you’re at home doing job applications and not talking to anyone!
So, I wondered who the other contractors are out there and what are they doing to keep their spirits up while they wait for the next job? And I thought that starting a walking group, or joining an existing one, would be a good idea. You maintain or develop fitness, which builds self-esteem and therefore makes you a better candidate for your next job.
I rang ACT Walking for Pleasure and they have a range of well-organised walks during the week that I could participate in, but mostly everyone that goes is retired. And although these walks sound great and they go to places I wouldn’t otherwise go on my own, I’d prefer to meet other people my age who are in the same boat!
So if you’d like to get-together to walk and talk, share chat and ideas over coffee afterwards, or take part in the Walking for Pleasure walks with me, please get in touch at ACTgadabouts at gmail dot com.
Looking forward to receiving any (genuine) replies.