ABC Online has a peculiar story in which the Minister not responsible, Katy Gallagher, outlines her plans to address the “skills shortage” and calls for the federales to give her a hand.
The Skills Shortage issue us an illuminating one. In that the masters of the Labor Party (unions) view it as a crisis because people are now able to negotiate from a position of power for themselves. Meanwhile the masters of the Liberal Party (big business and employer groups) are also alarmed that they have to offer better terms or conditions if they want to get the sort of people they desire.
The end result is that the full spectrum of the polictical class is aligned against the interests of the general populous on this one.
Frankly if employers can’t find qualified people willing to work, for the pay and conditons they are offering, then they should pay for the training themselves. I don’t see why we taxpayers should be paying for the privilege of undercutting our own negotiating positions.