Now that our Chiefly-Miss suggests she is amenable to a review of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1994, it may be time to consider how the ACT Government fares on the scale between corrupt and not corrupt.
Thorough shear happenstance, it appear that the ACT actually has an (unreformed) Freedom of Information Act, a quasi-Auditor-General, a Public Interest Disclosure Act, an Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act, and an Ombudsman we borrowed from the Commonwealth.
Our former CM’s predilection with human rights did not extend to freedom from the tyranny of corrupt governments, and we don’t have anything even approaching an anti-corruption commission that can look at the decisions of ministers and the executive.
And it’s not like we’ve been without our fair share of debacles:
- Rhodium Asset Solutions;
- an Acting Revenue Commissioner prosecuted for obtaining money by deception; or
- the departure of Neil Savery.
Then today I happened upon the astounding case of the former ACT Treasury FOI contact officer appealing an FOI decision about a refusal to release documents about her own public interest disclosure.
It all leads me to ask: