[First filed: October 31, 2008 @ 18:03]
The Canberra Times brings word that the Greens are preparing to announce their support for a returned Stanhope Government at 6pm tonight.
Apparently they were up until 12.30 last night agonising over their decision.
UPDATED: The Greens have published their agreement with Labor. Their shorter media release is also online.
Significant points, for mine, in the agreement are:
- 7) Parliamentary Staffing and Resources
ACT Labor will ensure that the Greens MLAs are accorded party status, including formal recognition of the roles of the Greens’ Parliamentary Convenor and Whip.
ACT Labor agrees that it shall commit to provide the Greens with staffing resources for three cross-bench Members and staffing equivalent to 1.5 of a cross-bench Member for the Greens’ parliamentary convenor.
8) Committees and Other Roles in the Assembly
ACT Labor will support the Greens’ nominations for Chairs of the following Committees:
i) Public Accounts Committee
ii) Health, Community and Social Services
iii) Climate Change, Environment and Water
iv) Select Committee on Ecological Carrying Capacity for the ACT and region
And then in the appendices:
Appendix 1:
- 2.9 The Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure is to review and administer the parliamentary budget, which is not to be subject to amendment by the Executive, recognising that decisions on the amount appropriated would be decided by Cabinet in consultation with the Speaker and the Committee.
3.1 Continuation of a full Private Members’ Business day.
3.10 The provision of Climate Change Impact Analysis to be required for all Government Bills and major policy proposals.
3.11 Introduction of Triple Bottom Line annual reporting to be required through the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions.
3.18 ? request for observer status for the Greens at COAG meetings to be made by the Chief Minister to the Prime Minister.
5.5 Passage of legislation which will require all political donations to be disclosed within one month of receipt and in an election period, on a weekly basis.
Appendix 2:
- 1.1 Legislate a greenhouse gas reduction target for the ACT.
2.1 Increase recurrent funding for cycling infrastructure to $3.6 million per annum from 2009-10, and provide $2.5 million to address the maintenance backlog and implementation of signage on the cycling network.
2.4 Adopting a goal of guaranteed bus frequency of 30 minutes.
2.6 Working immediately for the removal of Monash Drive from the National Capital Plan.
3.1 Introducing a levy on plastic bags in supermarkets and other retailers. This will be a 12-month trial, and will be implemented in the first half of 2009.
4.1 Implementing the ‘Plumber Visit’ program, where a qualified plumber visits houses and undertakes maintenance and repairs such as fixing or replacing leaking hot water systems and pipes, installing dual flush toilet systems, fitting low flow taps, shower heads and other water-saving devices. This should be delivered to at least 25,000 houses over four years. This program would concentrate on government houses and other low-income households.
5.1 Requiring a minimum 6 star rating for new residential housing by 2010
5.2 Immediately reinstating the 2001-04 Neighbourhood Planning process and integrate the resulting Master plans into the Territory Plan.
7.1 As part of the ACTPLA commercial development assessment process, undertake small business impact statements for large new commercial developments
7.3 Require all ACT government agencies to pay invoices for small businesses within 30 days, and pay commercial interest on late payments.
8.2 Establish a free legal service for homeless people by no later than 1 July 2010
11.2 Reconsider the issue of voting for 16 and 17 year olds, by supporting a Legislative Assembly Inquiry before the end of 2010 to consider the issue and look at other models of participatory democracy for young people.
11.4 Establish a Government Shopfront in Gungahlin in 2009, and ensure shopfront services in Civic are adequate to service community needs.
11.5 Re-establish a Library Service in the inner south, and as an immediate interim measure examine options including possible links to existing infrastructure. Ensure the library has good access to public transport.
11.12 Urgently identify a range of sites for the establishment of data centres within the ACT.