Today’s Canberra Times carries a story by Megan Doherty about the planned bulldozering of several closed school sites and the redevelopment, sorry, “conversion” of several others into “community hubs” and the like.
“The ACT Government will announce today it plans to demolish the former Rivett and Mount Neighbour primary schools, with its consultants recommending aged-care facilities be built on the sites.
It will also reveal a plan to spend $14.1 million on converting the former Cook, Melrose and Weston Creek primary schools into “community hubs”, apparently ending any consideration they might be re-opened as schools.”
I’m not going to quote vast swaths of text from the article (which is quite well written) but it is worth a read (located here: Government to Flatten Schools).
As one Ms Tullis said in the article: “It’s becoming a major election campaign issue and I am not surprised because people do not forget the arrogant way the Government has ripped out the heart of communities,”
or as Mr Seselja said: “The problem is once the bulldozers start coming in, that option is gone,”