The Australian Freedom Convoy to Canberra approached Australian Parliament House earlier this afternoon. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Hundreds of protestors have swarmed around the front of Parliament House in reaction to vaccine and mask mandates.
Trucks, cars and caravans began arriving at Reconciliation Place this morning from not only the ACT, but also NSW, Victoria, and Queensland before protestors began moving towards Parliament House this afternoon.
A line of police is preventing the protestors from gaining access.

The group is made up of various factions, including those promoting Aboriginal sovereignty. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
UPDATED 5:40 pm: The ‘Convoy to Canberra’ is inspired by similar action currently taking place in Canada, and protestors say they will stay in position until mandates are lifted.
A statement on their official Facebook page reads that the protest is “for people who willingly got jabbed because they were told it would end the lockdowns, people who willingly got jabbed so they could open their business again only to be told they can’t, and for people who didn’t want to get jabbed but were forced to”.
Other factions are promoting Aboriginal sovereignty.
A GoFundMe page for the group has raised more than $168,000, with a goal of $300,000.
It’s understood the recent stormy weather had little effect on the protests.

Cars and trucks began gathering in the car park at Reconciliation Place this morning. Photo: James Coleman.
UPDATED 12:00 pm: Police are expecting traffic delays today (31 January) as a convoy of cars and trucks gather near Reconciliation Place to protest against vaccine and mask mandates.
There were some traffic delays this morning as vehicles entered the ACT via the Federal, Barton and Monaro highways.
“Further disruption may occur on Northbourne and Commonwealth Avenue later as vehicles move through the city towards Parliament House,” an ACT Policing spokesperson said
The protest will be monitored by police and some impact on local traffic may occur. Drivers are asked to avoid the area if possible.
Protestors told Region Media they plan to camp on site until the mandates are lifted.