24 March 2025

ANU loses research funding over Trump's agenda

| Chris Johnson
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Australian National University sign

At least one research project at ANU has lost US funding because it doesn’t align with Donald Trump’s view of the world. Photo: Michelle Kroll.

Australian National University has fallen victim to Donald Trump’s review of his government’s research funding, with at least one of the Canberra-based uni’s projects being cut from US collaboration.

The Trump Administration has demanded to know from several Australian universities the focus of their research projects and whether they promote so-called woke and/or green-left agendas, have links to China, or what the President determines encourages terrorist views.

A similar 36-point questionnaire was also sent to American universities and government agencies.

In Australia, six universities have reportedly had funding cut as a result of the review.

ANU vice-chancellor Professor Genevieve Bell told staff via an email on Tuesday (18 March): “We have had the first termination of funding from the United States.

“It is hard to ignore the broader contexts in which we are operating – a looming federal election and a growing complexity of geo-political forces impacting us here in Australia.

“We are committed to supporting our researchers and the work we do here, in all the ways we can.”

The university has not expanded on what project or projects have been cut from US research money, but are in the realm of the social sciences.

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Other Australian universities thought to have also had research funding cut include University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, Monash University, University of Melbourne, and University of Western Australia.

The development has led Universities Australia chief executive officer Luke Sheehy to declare the “worrying trend” is making the US an unreliable research partner.

“Our greatest research partner in the US is looking like it’s becoming unreliable,” he said.

“This is an important and alarming development.”

Mr Sheehy said research funding from the US for Australian universities in 2024 alone accounted for more than $400 million.

That adds up to about half of the funding received from the Federal Government through research grants administered by the Australian Research Council.

With US funding being withdrawn, Mr Sheehy said the university sector in Australia needed the Federal Government to step up with clarity about the way forward for it.

He said the government should join the giant collaborative research fund Horizon Europe, which had some non-European members.

Group of Eight chief executive officer Vicki Thomson has written to the Industry Minister Ed Husic urging the same thing.

“Given the recent action taken by the Trump Administration regarding funding for collaborative research projects, we believe association to Horizon Europe is now vital,” she wrote.

“This, coupled with a surge in protectionist trade and industrial policies, impose a direct harm on Australian industry.”

The Group of Eight comprises Australia’s leading research-intensive universities.

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Earlier this year, a memo sent to all US agencies, some US researchers and at least one Australian project directly from a US Government budget management agency said financial assistance would be dedicated to advancing the Trump Administration’s priorities to align it with “the will of the American people”.

“The use of Federal resources to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism, and green new deal social engineering policies is a waste of taxpayer dollars that does not improve the day-to-day lives of those we serve,” it said.

The questionnaire wants to make sure university projects do not work with any party that “espouses anti-American beliefs”, and that they have not received any funding from the Chinese “state or non-state actors”.

It specifically asks whether research is a “no DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) project” or a “climate or ‘environmental justice’ project”.

The questionnaire also asks researchers to confirm projects “defend against gender ideology” and fight against “Christian prosecution”.

Australia’s university sector has accused the Trump Administration of “blatant foreign interference” by issuing the memo and linking funding to how its questions are answered.

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Capital Retro9:49 am 26 Mar 25

The whole education industry is facing terminal disruption through the universal availability of AI.
I look forward to that.

It’s great to see the woke agenda crumbling.

Malcolm Bourke10:23 am 25 Mar 25

Please define what you mean by “woke agenda”.

Make America Dumb Again

Smart leaders surround themselves with smarter people. Trump has surrounded himself with culture warriors, sycophants and idiots, much like his boss Vlad whose own sycophants and idiots told him he’d subjugate Ukraine and isn’t that going well.

While Trump does generational damage to America’s institutions, economy and international relations, I hope countries like Australia see the opportunity in funding and most importantly commercialising research as Trump attempts to drag America back to the 18th century.

Speaking of MAGA idiocy Penfold, who was the clown who claimed Hegseth was qualified the to lead the DoD because he’d been a major?

The soused moron texted war plans to a journo…it’s Dutton level stupidity but on a nuclear scale, literally.

No wonder these fools are trying to kill science and education while even bigger fools bang on about “woke agendas” (whatever that is) as cover for billionaires sacking veterans and canning research into Alzheimer’s and childhood cancer , the only way MAGA stays in power is if they can some make the wider public dumber than they are.

Who really cares? Definitely the people employed on contracts that were funded by these grants… Without money to pay for them, they might very well be laid off too…

For a lot of people Trump is Satan let loose on earth : underneath that orange hair/wig there are actually horns. As it comes from sources satanic then anything from that source is evil. Even if Trump should discover the cure for cancer he’s still evil he’s putting doctors out of work! That’s Trump derangement syndrome for you. And you wonder why he’s winning.

Thanks for the warning, Kalo Arepo. If I notice anyone behaving like that I will advise mental health authorities at once.

Likewise anyone who thinks Trump might discover a cure for cancer. Mainlined bleach?

Trump pardoned a bloke who plead guilty to torturing a police officer with a taser because there was video of him doing it.

You can stop pretending Trump is a decent bloke, hard done by champ.

An egregious example of Trump being taken completely out of context! What Trump actually said was that medication would act in the same way that bleach would in killing dangerous pathogens -he was not advocating that people should drink bleach! The idea behind what I stated about Trump is that people should stop demonizing him but examine why people vote for him -if he is to be defeated this is what should be done.

Someone up there above must like him -he survived three (not two) assassination attempts. The first was in Las Vegas in 2016.

What a load of nonsense.

Trump pardoned convicted criminals because they supported him. That’s what you’re supporting.

Kalo Arepo, watch the original video.

You raised TDS. You appear to suffer from the true form of it, which is not your inverse.

The simple answer in making up the shortfall is to slap a 5-10% import duty on anything from the US or from an American company.

Elon could pay for some of the research funding and subsidise our steel and aluminium production out of his own pocket if that was done.

Capital Retro4:13 pm 24 Mar 25

We already charge a 10% GST on all stuff imported into Australia.

Capital Retro,
We also charge the same tax on those items made in Australia as well.

How does that differ from a 10% GST on stuff made in Australia, Capital Retro? I am genuinely puzzled what sparkly neuron trail could have arrived at that complete irrelevance.

Not surprisingly, purplevh, your simple answer is economically nonsensical. We and other countries do best to let America damage its own economy while continuing trade benefits with other countries. Compare with the fact that when China blocked Australian goods in recent years, we did not react, so the damage was principally to Chinese people while we gained new markets in other countries, until China changed its mind.

Just today China is hosting manufacturers and trade representatives from around the world as offering a safer place to invest than an America run capriciously. If America was worried about China’s rise, it is unclear why they now seek to hasten it.

Capital Retro10:11 am 25 Mar 25

Stuff made in Australia isn’t imported. Read the post.

Capital Retro,
Stuff made in Australia is also subject to the GST making your reply irrelevant.

Purplevh was talking (good or bad) around a specific additional import duty, not something that is already applied to every product imported or not. The GST is not an import duty, its a consumption tax.

Read the post.

Capital Retro11:13 am 25 Mar 25

GST on imported stuff is paid on entry and again on sale.
GST on completed stuff made in Australia is paid only on sale.

Poor old Capital Retro, furiously defending his wrongness.

GST is a VAT. If it is a taxable supply under GST in Australia then input GST costs, including of whole product import, are claimable in the commercial dealer’s BAS. If you are not in commerce then there is no second GST to reclaim. It is a final consumption tax, not compounding as Capital Retro seems to believe.

Capital Retro,
Who says the imported goods are being on sold?

GST liability also depends on how the good enter into Australia and are delivered/sold to end consumers.

Don’t make it too complex chewy for simple minds. That they understand GST is levied on goods to begin with is an astounding sign of progress….

Capital Retro4:42 pm 25 Mar 25

Have you ever filled out a BAS, chewy?


I’ve also imported things before and understand how the GST works for those imports.

Do you?

Capital Retro7:54 pm 25 Mar 25

More than you will ever know, chewy.
By the way, I haven’t disagreed with anything you or your peers have said about GST.
I mentioned GST initially in the context that it exists. I was hoping someone like you would then explain how things were done pre-GST with imports which is relevant to tariffs and t would be interesting to all.
Instead, you look for the fifth leg on the cat and focus on bagging me.
What a boring life you must have.

Capital Retro,
That’s quite some spin happening there.

You tried to repeatedly claim something that wasn’t true, now that I and others have pointed your errors, you attempt to weakly backtrack as is usual.

Pointing out errors isn’t “bagging you” but it’s telling that you think it is.

The projection of your last sentence is hilarious.

Capital Retro9:47 am 26 Mar 25

I didn’t present any “errors” chewy and I never claimed there were untruths.
I get pleasure from seeing you implode and I don’t mind sharing humour with you.
Now, why don’t you tell us about what happened before GST?

Capital Retro,
Except you did.

If you were actually interested in the topic, you would have asked questions rather than your inane and incorrect responses to what is a relatively straighforward issue and proposition by Purplevh.

I get pleasure from seeing you embarrass yourself, do continue.

Could you imagine the screams if our Aussie tax dollars were funding American universities?

Common sense decision to cease funding.

“… imagine the screams if our Aussie tax dollars were funding American universities”
Firstly, the funding is for specific research grants, not going into the university’s general revenue coffers.

Secondly, you might want to do a little research yourself, to see how many overseas research projects the Australian government funds. For example, the Global Science and Technology Diplomacy Fund (GSTDF) helps Australia work with international partners and fund areas of research in the national interest.

“Could you imagine the screams“


Although there may be people without a clue about benefits of commissioning work from the best in a field.

Your comfortable however with our Aussie Tax Dollars funding America to build its own submarines however?

So tell us what research projects had their funding cut. I mean, surely we should be given examples of the important things the bad orange man is preventing us from researching…

Ken M
That would be great … but of course, if the subject being researched, doesn’t conform to your ideological perspective, then naturally defunding it will be totally warranted.

Pot, kettle, yet again, JS.

@Ken M
Really? How so? I’m not the one wanting to decide what research projects should be funded based on ideology – it’s you and your hero, Trump

Because you’re exactly the type of person who discounts any research that doesn’t come to conclusions you like. I’ve seen you do it. You and your ilk are just as bad as the 1600s Catholic Church for shouting down and virtually crucifying scientists who dare go against the grain, as we saw during covid.

@Ken M
“… you’re exactly the type of person who discounts any research that doesn’t come to conclusions you like”
I’d ask you for the proof behind that assertion, but as you have consistently shown your incapable of producing factual supportive evidence for any of your rants, I won’t waste my time.

Stephen Saunders8:39 am 24 Mar 25

“At the same time,” enlightened Prof Bell continued, “democratic China has just given our fully independent colleges, faculties, schools, institutes and hubs a thoroughgoing audit, to check for substantive pro-US deviations from its [14] deferential demands. I’m so pleased to advise no major breaches have been detected. Our proud ANU tradition continues.”

Capital Retro8:31 am 24 Mar 25

So, who really cares?

@Capital Retro
Most likely people, who believe that society has progressed beyond the old white christian male perspective, CR.

So, obviously not you.

Not everyone is wanting us to return to the dark ages like you CR.

CR – obviously our progressive friends were very fond of the Trump funding. Double standards ?

Ah, yes, the dark ages before everybody had some made up mental illness, degeneracy was normalised, and social division was at all time highs. We wouldn’t want to roll back this lefty utopia that is doing so well….

Capital Retro2:26 pm 24 Mar 25

I was going to bequeath a sum of money to them based on their past benchmark contribution to tertiary education until The ANU openly supported the “free Palestine” movement and now this:
“Vice Chancellor Brian Schmidt has confirmed that the ANU will not adopt the controversial working definition of antisemitism from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). The decision comes after an inter-party organisation, the Parliamentarian Friends of the IHRA, penned an open letter to universities urging them to adopt the IHRA definition”.
I think JS, you will find the ANU was founded on a “old white Christian male perspective” and if they want to change that then the will have to cope with the consequences.

@Capital Retro
Yes, the “old brigade” were certainly to the fore in 1946 when ANU was founded. Times and attitudes have changed – why don’t you join us in the 21st Century?

Are you suggesting that Trump personally provides the funds that the US Government dishes out for the various international research grants? If you are, then that’s a whole new level of delusion.

Given only idiots would run research based on how they fit or don’t fit into the culture wars, people who aren’t idiots.

Capital Retro10:08 am 25 Mar 25

If I joined your mob I would have to change my blog name to “Capital Lefty” and there are already too many of you with that name.

Capital Retro11:18 am 25 Mar 25

Yes Ken M, to “progress” something used to mean it has to be compared with a benchmark and today’s lefties did not experience the values and achievements that created that benchmark, nor are they interested in researching them.
It’s the fault of their “let’s change history” educators actually.

@Capital Retro
Actually, CR, even some of your right wing conservative heroes have managed to make it into the 21st Century – and they accept things have moved on from the 1960s, like anthropogenic climate change is a real thing. But it’s fine, you can just sit back on your retro perch and squawk about how much better things were in the good ol’ days.

Capital Retro11:59 am 25 Mar 25

You need a new set of hinges, Seano.

Sensible people care about research capital. Using culture wars as cover to kill it so billionaires can get tax cuts is appalling and stupidly short sighted. Most of us are only here today because of investment in research.

But yet again you can’t defend this stuff so you trot out weak insults copied from other weak commenters, Capital, protip: you need to stop being wrong about everything (the double GST claim above was pretty funny, I’m not an accountant and even I laughed at that dumb comment) before commenting, maybe log off and go for a walk.

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