16 December 2024

Universities lay out the election policies they want to see from both sides

| Chris Johnson
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Female university student

Universities Australia has released its election statement calling on both major parties to support the sector. Photo: File.

Australia’s university sector is placing pressure on the Federal Government and Opposition to deliver election policies aimed at securing a strong future for the nation’s higher education institutions.

Umbrella group Universities Australia (UA) has released its 2025 Federal Election Statement, which urges both major parties to be bold and ambitious in their vision and support for Australia’s universities.

With next year’s election on the horizon, UA is using its statement to outline how universities can help the next federal government build what it says will be a “stronger, more prosperous Australia” through cooperation between government and universities.

Universities Australia chief executive officer Luke Sheehy said the key message was that universities mattered to Australia’s future.

“They’re pivotal in preparing us for the challenges ahead,” he said.

“From rapid digitalisation and the adoption of new technologies to shifts in our industrial base and geopolitical change.

“The decisions made by the next federal government, and subsequent ones, will shape Australia’s ability to manage and prosper from these big shifts underway in our economy.”

Mr Sheehy said we needed a bigger skilled workforce and more research and development to “power Australia’s progress so no-one is left behind”.

“Our universities are national assets and should be treated as such, receiving bipartisan support to grow and succeed in the national interest.”

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UA says priorities outlined in the statement are a wishlist for universities to ensure their financial stability and support their growth.

This means re-establishment of the Education Investment Fund.

Other priorities outlined include: breaking down barriers to tertiary education so all Australians can access an education; investing in research and development to drive national progress; strengthening the foundation of Australia’s world-class international education sector; and implementing Indigenous-related recommendations in the Australian Universities Accord.

The UA election statement says Australia’s universities have a critical role to play in preparing the nation for major challenges and opportunities.

It says universities are already delivering real impact across the country, from producing the skilled graduates our economy needs to undertaking the research and development that will take our country forward.

It also notes Australia’s universities are the lifeblood of the communities where they are situated, employing about 130,000 Australians nationwide and supporting local economies.

“Digitalisation and the adoption of new technologies, shifts in our industrial base, the energy transformation, demographic change and serious geopolitical uncertainty,” the statement reads. “These are the major forces, trends and transitions that will impact the Australian economy over the coming decades.

“Australia’s success will come down to how we manage and maximise these big shifts that are underway.

“The next federal government, and subsequent ones, will have defining decisions to make to ensure our country has its best years ahead of it.

“Achieving this will require a stronger focus on high-level skills, harnessing new technologies effectively and using research to drive economic growth and prosperity.”

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Mr Sheehy said Labor and the Coalition should take to the election policy priorities that ensured the nation’s universities could thrive for the benefit of all Australians.

“Reforming our higher education sector in line with the Australian Universities Accord is essential to Australia’s future productivity and economic growth,” he said.

“We have no choice but to grow and improve our university system – Australia needs more of what our institutions do on behalf of all Australians, and quickly.

“But we need our universities to be match fit to deliver for the nation, which is why we want to work closely and collaboratively with both major parties to ensure our sector is supported into the future.”

The sector is currently having a tense time with Labor, saying the government’s efforts to cut the number of international students studying in Australia are hurting the economy.

“Our economy is stuck in low gear and the handbrake on international education is a big reason for that,” Mr Sheehy said.

“International students drove half of Australia’s economic growth last year.

“It makes no sense to put a handbrake on a $50 billion industry that fuels our economy, especially when other sectors are struggling.”

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HiddenDragon9:09 pm 20 Dec 24

Good luck with all of that after the dismal picture of federal finances released two days ago.

The university sector needs to face up to the mismatch between what it is producing and what the Australian economy actually needs (and the consequent cries of tertiary level skills shortages which we have been hearing about for many years) and also to the price which has been paid for the relentless pursuit of the foreign student dollar e.g. –


The latter may also have something to do with the sliding ratings of Australian universities in rankings such as this –


We should be pursuing quality – in our domestic and international intakes – rather than quantity and have a very hard look at the misguided aspirationalism and rampant credentialism which has driven too much of the costly and unproductive growth of the tertiary sector.

It might also be time to look at unwinding – in practice, if not in name – some aspects of the 1980s “reforms” which thought that it would be a good idea to (try to) turn colleges of advanced education into universities. Even at the time, that looked like a mixture of wishful thinking and one sizes fits all managerialism.

Tom Worthington8:38 am 18 Dec 24

I suggest Federal Government and Opposition focus postsecondary education on the needs of the community. That requires boosting TAFEs & providing incentives for universities to provide flexible, shorter, job relevant qualifications. A school leaver should be able to got to TAFE, get a qualification for a job in six months, then build on that at TAFE and university, while working.

Cutting international students has to be the dumbest policy I’ve seen in a long time. These students come here, pay through the nose for education, spend heaps of money while they’re here, and then leave. What could be better than that? They’re not doing Aussie kids out of study, they’re subsidising them by bringing loads of money into the economy.

Australia doesn’t have enough value-added exports and we cut one of our major ones for no good reason.

when services can not keep up with immigration that’s a good enough reason. Hospitals, Doctor visits and housing are all in demand and bringing large amounts of immigration into the country will only make things worse. Build up these areas first them let them in, or the public will not welcome imitation

“when services can not keep up with immigration that’s a good enough reason. “… besides the fact that is am complete load of complete BS, they’re not immigrants. They’re students, it’s user pays.

I’m not sure why you’re confusing students who are here temporarily with immigrants but I can guess.

Capital Retro7:21 am 18 Dec 24

““International students drove half of Australia’s economic growth…”
That’s nearly a bigger lie than the one the Australia Institute constantly puts out about the “tens of billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies paid to the fossil fuel industries annually”

It’s not though, so there’s that.

Capital Retro9:11 am 18 Dec 24

Fair enough Seano, will you agree that it may not be as high as $40 billion then?

“Australian fossil fuel subsidies costing taxpayers $65 billion a year: IMF”

Ignorance doesn’t stop you from posting.

So, how much do renewable subsidies cost taxpayers? At the same time, they destroy farmland, cut down thousands of trees, kill birds in their thousands and destroy koala habitats. Destroying the environment to save it apparently. And renewables still don’t provide baseload power.

Capital Retro4:13 pm 20 Dec 24

Gee Seano, that claim by the IMF is even more fanciful than the one made by the Australia Institute.
It’s all nonsense and doesn’t take into account all the revenue through taxes we get already from energy derived from fossil fuels. Read it yourself.
Australia isn’t even on the list. If you believe that IMF rubbish then I have a cheap bridge to sell you.

Capital Retro,
A 10 year old post that doesn’t even reflect the actual findings for Australia calculated by both the IMF and Australia Institute is the best you can do with your selective Googling?

A Canberra Liberal is not an oxymoron6:07 pm 17 Dec 24

How about NO!?

Start accepting responsibility for your own mismanagement.

About time universities started acting like grown ups and learn to manage their money properly. Start by paying VC’s and senior management waaay less. And actually employ people in those roles (and in your councils) who are qualified and experienced in what the roles entail. A long list of irrelevant letters is just that – irrelevant. And stop the cronyism of employing past politicians and your mates.

Stephen Saunders9:52 am 17 Dec 24

“International students drove half of Australia’s economic growth…it makes no sense to put a handbrake on a $50 billion industry.”

Welcome to hapless and hopeless Australia, where Hans Christian Andersen is the standard policy primer among the government and the key “stakeholders”.

They are taking resources from Australian citizens, especially housing. The number should be capped and capped quite a lot below the current level.

A Canberra Liberal is not an oxymoron6:14 pm 17 Dec 24

International students did not drive half of Australia’s economic growth.
That is lie often repeated by the sector itself to try to justify its importance.
Evidence abounds that it is probably a net import, not export.

Maybe universities should build more accommodation to take pressure off the local market first. then most people will welcome hem with open arms instead of resenting them.

They’re not taking anything from anyone, they pay for everything. They’re creating jobs for Australians and putting money into our economy.

Logicalusername5:23 pm 20 Dec 24

Just some rough figures… nowhere near half of the growth.

Education 2022-23 was worth roughly 36 AUD Billion. Broken down via the ABS, 21 billion paid as Goods and Services and 14 billion as Tuition Fees.

On the other hand, mining was between AUD 440-455 billion depending on where you look.
List below: Q3 2024 just one quarter in billions as of September.

Australia is almost on its own where construction (non-export) is the second highest on the below list.
19265 Agriculture
44190 Construction
34475 Manufacturing
87065 Mining
33427 Public Administration
12454 Utilities

Australian Quart GDP %0.3 and dropping, as a reference the US 3.1 and rising, China 0.9 with transparency issues, taking Korea 0.1 and Oz into account paints the China picture more accurately.

Biden has implemented high Tariffs and kept most of the prior Trump Tariffs on some Chinese goods, see below as this may affect China and Australia. SEA nations have been proposing Tariffs on China well before Trump was a GOP candidate, especially Vietnam, Malasia and Thailand as dumping is occurring where the price of goods are at or below cost of production, thus killing the competition, with massive subsidies and mostly state owned enterprises, good way to bypass the WTO rules.

Notably the nations are waiting for Trump, these guys are welcoming Tariffs on a number of locally produced goods.

CNN and the Whitehouse: The tariff rate will go up to 100% on electric vehicles, to 50% on solar cells and to 25% on electrical vehicle batteries, critical minerals, steel, aluminium, face masks and ship-to-shore cranes beginning September 27, according to the US Trade Representative’s Office.

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