Went out to an impro event at the street theatre last night. At 6.45 some of the cast called the police because a guy was sitting on the top of the crane / scaffolding at one of the building sites across the road. He was quite distressed, and we could hear him calling out. Sometimes “I’m afraid of heights” sometimes “NO” loudly when they started to come up.
By 7.15 it was surrounded by police and firies, and SES.
Being the voyeurs we are, we came out and checked at interval, and he was still there. There were some torches (presumably emergency services) on their way up the crane. Then they turned the lights out and just waited.
After the performance (about 10pm?) we came out and watched some more. Guy still presumably at the top, SES there, floodlights on, and guys with torches about 3 metres below him, but not going anywhere. We headed home a bit after 10.15.
Haven’t seen anything on the news, but we are hoping he didn’t end up jumping.
Does anyone have any word? (especially looking at Thumper and other SES volunteers here). We aren’t being overly nosy, just hoping it all ended well (with them getting him down safe and sound with no injury to anyone).