Canberra has a lot of artists and only so many grant dollars to go between them.
The arts scene becomes a den of serpents when grant time rolls around, backs are stabbed, Macbooks sabotaged, offers of in-kind-support undercut…. it’s a nightmare. *
I myself have had more than one attempt to secure funding fall flat in the past, and have heard my screams of injustice echoed in the voices of a sea of artists.
Arts Hub has some advice for those of us who would seek funding again.
It is sad but true that many artists spend as much time writing grant applications or looking for income sources as they do pursuing their artistic practice.
Rejection is par for the course but understanding why you are being knocked back is essential to improving your chances of securing a grant next time.
It’s easy to take a rejection letter personally and to see it as a reflection on the worth of your work but sometimes the failure is not in your project but in your application.
* It’s not actually like that at all, it’s all rather nice and supportive really, but that’s dull so…