Hi RiotACT Readers,
Just the other day Hubby and I got all hooked up to the NBN through iiNet. Within 12 hours Hubby was thoroughly disappointed. Not only is it been slow, there have been a few times where we have had no connection at all. Luckily, we opted for no contract, so I’m looking for recommendations.
We’re in Queanbeyan, just off Canberra Ave so we have ideal wiring. We went with iiNet because I had read some recommendations and one of the reviews and compare sites recommended them to Hubby. We went for mid speed because of the kids, and I consider unlimited internet and phone to be important.
Oh, and another query; with all the speeds being “up to” how can you be sure that up to 100 mb/s will actually run faster then up to 25 mb/s?