In September 2006, an independent film company called Canary Yellow Creative, comprising of people from all over Australia, are shooting a feature length film entirely in Canberra.
Film Title:
The Dinner Party
Canberra Auditions:
Saturday the 12th August at the Griffin Centre, Geng St Canberra City in between 12:00 and 15:00.
Shoot Dates:
Monday the 11th of September to Sunday the 24th September – 2 weeks
6 lead roles male & female between the ages of 17-26
5 support roles male & female between the ages of 17-26
1 support male role between ages 25-40
Contact: Please send contact details, resume, photos to or call Brendan on (0414) 916 427
Joel plans to break up with Angela his emotionally unstable and manipulative girlfriend after a dinner party she is holding. But Joel is the only guest unaware of Angelas` plan to kill him and herself in a murder/suicide afterwards – all it takes is for one guest to speak up to prevent a tragedy.