Beer And Meat On A Stick Day 2009 on Saturday was by all accounts a great success.
So great in fact that at 3pm on the day John Hargreaves was congratulating himself and anyone who might have been involved to some lesser degree.
For those unfamiliar with it, BAMOASD is also known as the “Food and Dance Spectacular” component of the “National Multicultural Festival”. Such is the popularity of BAMOASD with the general public that it pretty much covers the yawnfest that is the rest of the festival (Fringe excluded IMHO).
I was extremely unhappy to miss it, but She Who Must Be Obeyed had bought me tickets to Top Gear Live in Sydney. Even more annoyingly this turned out to be a cunning ruse to trap me in a zombie existence in the nearby Ryde Ikea. (Let us not get started on her insistence that we then take the Hume Highway BACK INTO SYDNEY to get on the M5 and pay a toll before finally getting back on the Hume, all the while in a car with no aircon during a heatwave).
The message here is clear. No matter what temptations are presented to lure you from BAMOASD, they should be resisted at all costs. Even watching Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond making gay jokes about James May in front of 7,000 other Top Gear fans on the umpteenth show on the tour pales into insignificance compared to the day the whole of Canberra’s centre is devoted to endless permutations of BBQ and beer.
But while I missed it, Che was there taking photos. You can see them all below. I hear that adding Glebe Park to the party was of mixed value, with the park surprisingly hotter than City Walk / Garema Place.
(Also there was jumping in fountains, past time Australians got into that I reckon).
Having not been there myself your thoughts on BAMOASD 09 are even more welcome than usual.