Belconnen is one of Canberra’s largest urban areas with over 91,000 residents – and growing. Sadly, one aspect of all societies is crime and even family friendly Belconnen is not immune from it. One of the most common crimes in Canberra is burglary and in April 2011 the Australian Federal Police reported 38 burglaries in the Belconnen area. Last year Belconnen residents suffered from 563 burglaries – the highest of any area in the ACT.
Not only is it a very common crime, but burglary is also a very difficult crime to solve. The latest AFP Annual Report shows that there were 5097 burglaries reported across all of Canberra in 2010 with a clear-up rate of only 7%. As well as showing that Belconnen is over represented in this crime statistic, it means that the chance of you recovering your valuables is quite low. Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity so there are some measures the homeowner can take to reduce their chances of appearing on the crime statistics.
At the May Forum of the Belconnen Community Council, the burglary problem will be explored. Our first speaker will be from the AFP’s ACT Police who will place the crime and burglary statistics into perspective and advise on the strategies and methods that the AFP are using to address crime in Belconnen, and in particular household burglaries. They will also provide some advice on how to make sure your home is not attractive to burglars. We will then hear from Neighbourhood Watch on how they operate and how you can become involved in helping to prevent crime in your street. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers. If you are concerned about this issue we urge you to attend.
7.30pm, Community Room 1, 17 May 2011
Upstairs Belconnen Library, Chandler Street
All residents of Belconnen are invited to attend our forums.
Damien Haas
Belconnen Community Council